Oblpravitelstvo offered to Garage cooperative "Stolitsa Nizhny" to complete ZhK "On Goncharov"

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of the Photo: NIA "Nizhny Novgorod" independant information agency "Nizhny Novgorod"

- Vdovichenko Alena

Stolitsa Nizhny Group

Garage cooperative "Stolitsa Nizhny" is considered by NIA "Nizhny Novgorod"

independant information agency "Nizhny Novgorod" for ZhK "On Goncharov" completion (Leninsky rayon, Nizhny Novgorod). About it independant information agency "Nizhny Novgorod" were reported by the member of initiative group of shareholders on July 9, 2018.

According to information, on July 6 the acting the governor Nizhny Novgorod Region Gleb Nikitin held the first meeting the Interdepartmental commission on protection of the rights and legitimate interests of citizens – participants of share construction of apartment houses . Representatives of the deceived shareholders were invited to this meeting, including ZhK "On Goncharov".
As knew to br, as potential investors for completion of this housing estate Garage cooperative "Stolitsa Nizhny" is considered. The deputy director generals companies on strategy and development businesses Zamsky Boris reported that "Capital Nizhny" prepared a road map for the present moment on completion of object and transferred her to state construction supervision for coordination. Company is ready to be engaged in object on condition of assistance of the regional authorities. In particular, the solution of problems of legal character, including maintaining bankruptcies the ruined builder LLC "IK "KVARTSTROY-NN" is necessary.
It is noted by br that on completion of ZhK it is required about 1,9 billion rubles from which about 1 billion can be received for the account of sale of the free areas. Financing from budgets is not required.

Also, according to shareholders, at meeting of the acting the governor GU asked Ministries of Internal Affairs and prosecutor's office to carry out a legality inspection "a double mortgage" on free squares of ZhK "On Goncharov".

As were explained by independant information agency "Nizhny Novgorod" in companies, Government of the Nizhny Novgorod region addressed to Garage cooperative "Stolitsa Nizhny" with the offer to finish ZhK "On Goncharov" construction." The capital Nizhny" in the person LLC "INGRADSTROY" signed a road map of realization of actions for completion of construction of this housing estate.

"The economic, technical and legal analysis showed that the problem of completion of object difficult, complex and demands interaction of all parties, first of all, public authorities Nizhny Novgorod Region ". The capital Nizhny" values the reputation of the reliable builder and therefore is ready to make efforts performance of the part of obligations according to a road map", - noted in companies.

Also added that "Capital Nizhny" never allowed delays input of houses in operation, only company in the region built 71 houses.

according to the agency sources, similar offers on completion of problem houses were received also by other large builders of housing of the region. Let's remind, the acting the governor Gleb Nikitin charged to discuss questions on all problem objects till September . we Will remind br to br also , at the beginning of June, 2018 it was reported that shareholders ZhK "On Goncharov" intend to achieve inclusion of the representative in the interdepartmental commission. Now in courts there is claim inspections of the state construction supervision LLC "IK "KVARTSTROY-NN". Meeting will take place on July 26. Earlier shareholders ZhK "On Goncharov" reported br to br about problems with receiving insurance payments. Participants of share construction the specified quarter are 500 families.

the Founder LLC "INGRADSTROY" is LLC "Start-stroy", general director – the deputy of Legislative Assembly of the Nizhny Novgorod region Andrey Tayg. Authorized capital – 150 million rubles.

Founders LLC "Start-stroy" in turn are Golovko Oleg (a share in authorized capital of 45 million rubles), Akatov Pavel (7,5 million rubles), Akatov Maxime (7,5 million rubles) and Hellas Mountain (90 million rubles), the spouse of the former vice-chairman of Legislative Assembly of the region Oleg Sorokin which is now in a pre-trial detention center and is accused of bribery.

Gleb Nikitin
Last position: Governor (Government of the Nizhny Novgorod region)
Andrey Tayg
Last position: The deputy, the member of the committee under the budget and taxes, the member of the committee on ecology and environmental management, the member of the committee concerning town-planning activity, housing and communal services and fuel and energy complex (Legislative Assembly of the Nizhny Novgorod region)
Vdovichenko Alena
Zamsky Boris