The Korean companies can take part in the Kamchatka projects

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The Korean companies can take part in the Kamchatka projects
the Korean companies can take part in the Kamchatka projects

the Korean investors have intentions to take part in implementation of several Kamchatka projects, reported RAI "KAMCHATKA-INFORM" in development Corporation Kamchatka Territory.

the Russian-Korean business forum which has taken place in Moscow within visit President of South Korea Mun Dzhein to Russian Federation, can mean a new stage of cooperation of enterprise communities of two countries. Such point of view Pegin Nicholas, director general stated development Corporations Kamchatka Territory which representatives took part in action.

the Forum which was marked by performances on it Chzhe Mun Inna and the vice-president Yury Trutnev, took place under the motto "Way to Joint Prosperity in Eurasia and a World Era on the Korean Peninsula". The wide range of questions of economic, technological and investment cooperation was discussed.

Concerning the last direction, Yury Trutnev reported that along with several projects in which realization in the territory Far Eastern Federal District already takes part South Korean business, new perspective programs worth over billion dollars can be added.

the Large companies the Countries of morning freshness Hyundai, Posko Deu, Kay Xi Xi, Vorld plan to invest Dagro in development port infrastructure, wood processing, agricultural production in the Russian Far East.

among the Kamchatka projects in which realization stated intentions to participate the Korean investors, a tourist and recreational complex "Peter and Paul Harbour", seaport of the regional center and some other.

Among a wide range of the questions discussed at a forum, the development subject the Northern Sea Route that found reflection in speeches of the vice-president Chamber of commerce & industry Russia, chamber of commerce & industry RF Vladimir Aleksandrovich Dmitriev and director generals the Korean sea institute Chzhin Khvan to Hva was touched also. They in particular noted importance of developments cooperation in the sphere of transarctic shipping and logistics. The general steps on development cooperation in this sphere were planned.

during business meetings within a forum in which from the Russian side participated Agency Far East on attraction of investments and export support, JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "DEVELOPMENT FUND DALNEGO VOSTOKA I BAYKALSKOGO REGIONA" and other institutes of development, need of developments horizontal communications between partners was noted. They allow to connect relatives on the strategic plans of the enterprise, facilitate search of investors, and, therefore, to achieve mutual success quicker.

"On such algorithm forms cooperation with foreign partners development Corporation Kamchatka Territory", – Pegin Nicholas told.

Within a business forum signing of several documents took place.
