On the championship Europe on kettlebell sport representatives Altai Territory won five gold medals

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B the Lithuanian Garliava took place the championship Europe on kettlebell sport among young men and girls. Athletes from 11 countries participated in competitions. As a part of national team Russian Federation acted four persons from Altai Territory. They won five medals of the highest <"advantage.13">

In "The Altai sport" specify that pupils of the trainer Pozhidaev Vladimir Barkhatov Timur (weight category up to 63 kilograms) and Fedorov Anatoly (up to 53 kilograms) from Pervomaysky rayon won gold medals. Vintergoller Maxime from Zalesovo who is engaged at Shchekotov Yvan, in weight category up to 68 kilograms among the senior young men showed the best result too. The representative of the village Altai Mikshin Sergei acted in weight category of 78 kilograms. The ward Sizintsev Andrey won gold medals in a double-event and <"relay.16">

the Source: Official Official site of Altai territory

Pozhidaev Vladimir
Barkhatov Timur
Fedorov Anatoly
Vintergoller Maxime
Shchekotov Yvan