"Red devils" or "Blue Samurais"? Who will win a match Belgium – Japan

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the Don capital – in an anticipation of the fifth match within 2018 FIFA World Cup. On July 2 in the field "Rostov Arena" in fight for the right to leave in a quarterfinal the national teams Belgium and Japan. What to wait for from game and what chances of a victory at teams, AIF-Rostov tells.

On July 2 in the field
on July 2 in the field "Rostov Arena" in fight for the right to leave in a quarterfinal the national teams Belgium and Japan. © / Demkov Denise / AIF-Rostov

"Red devils"

the National team Belgium – one of the oldest soccer teams Europe. Held the first game in 1904. The highest achievement on a world championship – the fourth place in the 1986th. In the rating FIFA the team takes the third <"place.37">

On 2018 FIFA World Cup Belgians reached the playoffs from the first place in the quartet G, having easily overcome a group stage. You judge: Belgium – Panama 3:0; Belgium – Governorate of Tunis 5:2; England – Belgium <0:1.div>

I it still "Red devils" did not prove to be

on all hundred: margin of safety of team is not exhausted and not shown. In a decisive duel for the first place wards Martines Roberto released alternating cast and beat semi-reserve England.

Besides, at Belgians good statistics of meetings with Asian teams in the World Cups: three victories, two draw and only one defeat in six <"meetings.46">

the Belgian reporter Massar Simon writes that before a match in Rostov-on-Don the national team Belgium and the Belgian fans enjoy the status of <"favourites.48">

"So already there were before a game from the national team United States of America. The match, perhaps, will go according to the similar scenario: focus on goals, but not on defense. Belgium love it most of all. But it is necessary to remember: last time Belgians had to wait for the 32nd (!) shoot for goal to score the first goal".

Here that the goalkeeper of the national team told Belgium to Thibaut Courtois – about team ambitions on 2018 FIFA World Cup:

"We are sure by

of ourselves and we want to show the maximum level. But if we concede to team which is better than us, we will need only to accept such defeat".

Experts consider that to team Martines Roberto on forces to get a convincing victory, even with a certain handicap – giving advantage to weaker participant for equalizing of chances of <"success.54">

"Blue Samurais"

the Soccer team from Japan – the most titled national team to Asia. In 1/8 finals in the World Cups left four times: 2002, 2010, 2014 and 2018.

History of team contains

exactly a century. And at present the hero of the anniversary in the rating FIFA on 61 <"place.57">

On the Russian FIFA World Cup a way of the Japanese football players to "stars" was very thorny. But "Blue Samurais" well proved to be at a group stage and it were pleasant to much.

They used

removal in a match with Colombia and were not given, losing to Senegal. And in a decisive duel even if and having conceded to Poles, squeezed out a maximum <".59"> final

B 1/8 the command appeared the Land of the rising sun from the second place in group N. Results of matches of a group stage about its such: Colombia – Japan 1:2; Japan – Senegal 2:2; Japan – Poland 0:1.

Anyway, the team Akira Nisino<"61 got to the playoffs, and now everything depends on how it will use this chance.


on a game at team fighting. The central defender of the national team Sedzi Gen in an interview for media told: "The national team Japan here to make history. I will meet in the field Lukaku Romel and will play against it with warm with heart".

Of course, the team Belgium is considered the favourite in the forthcoming match. But at Japanese is defined fart.

Look at

, than personal meetings of these national teams came to an end. World Cup 2002 – a draw 2:2, friendly matches in the 2009th, 2013th and 2017 of a victory Japan with the score 4:0 and 2:3 and only one victory Belgium – 1:0.

In a word, if Japanese pass Belgium in the Don capital, it will be the new page in football history of the country: the first and deserved hit in a <"quarterfinal.69">

Who whom?

the Answer to the question "Who Whom?" in couple Belgium – Japan very difficult.

One football experts consider that at Japan there are no chances against Belgium. The team Martines Roberto is ready, its attack works very strongly and effectively. And in general the European team stronger in all respects and, for certain, will get a convincing victory. It will be able to find keys to gate of Japanese and will surely hammer with the first.

Other specialists do not doubt that Asians are capable to impose the game. And if the luck does not end, then Japan "will quite take" the FIFA World Cup <".73">

At the moment can just not imagine the last, but, just in case – the coefficient to Japan in a victory at a WC costs 151,00 now. And according to bookmakers, it is the most "uneven" couple in 1/8 finals, and Belgians have the lowest coefficient on a prize from all eight <"matches.74">

Roberto Martines Montoliu
Main activity:Official
Thibaut Nikolya Mark Kurtua
Last position: The professional athlete on soccer (FC Real Madrid)
Gen Syodzi
Last position: The professional athlete on soccer (Football club "Tuluza")
Romelu Menama Lukaku Bolingoli
Last position: The professional athlete on soccer (Football club "Chelsi")
Demkov Denise