More than 800 inhabitants Karachay-Cherkess Republic participated in sporting events within the All-Russian Olympic day

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On the past weekend to Karachay-Cherkess Republic the sporting events organized by Ministry of Physical Education and Sports of the Karachay-Cherkess Republic within the celebration of the All-Russian Olympic day.

the Centralized sports competitions to participation about eight hundred people have taken place in recreation park "Green Island" in the republican capital – Cherkessk.

Before a ceremony of opening of a sports festival the deputy minister of physical culture and sport of Karachay-Cherkess Republic Dmitry Tents has addressed attendees. He has read to participants at the event the welcome letter of the president LLC "OKR", Olympic committee Russia, ROC Pozdnyakov Stanislas and has wished to children of remarkable pastime in the fresh air.

Participants of sports fights this day competed in pulling of a rope, run, functional all-round and different sports competitions using a basketball.

Winners and prize-winners of competitions became owners of cups and diplomas of the All-Russian Olympic day.

Similar sporting events have taken place also in municipal districts and the cities Karachay-Cherkess Republic.