The favourite declared Saransk completion of career in the national team

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June 28. on June 28. "Republic of Mordovia Arena". Match Panama — Governorate of Tunis. The injured Tores Roman leaves from a field. Not so he wanted to say goodbye to fans …

Chestnova Julia the I Capital With

I Torres Roman made it, according to a yellow English newspaper of Sun, by Saransk.

the 32-year-old defender of the American club "Seattle Saunders" became the heaviest player 2018 FIFA World Cup, but this circumstance did not help the national team to Panama to break through in 1/8 finals. On a tournament course Ernano's wards Gomes Dario conceded Belgians (0:3), anglicham (1:6) and on June 28 on "Republic of Mordovia to the Arena" to team Governorate of Tunis (1:2). In the last meeting Torres Roman got a strong bruise of an ankle and was replaced. In total Saransk with alarm watched the message from camp of the national team Panama. And many breathed sigh of relief, having learned that the change is not present.

Now Panamanians already are at home and with warmth remember Saransk where they happened to be based for the period of the FIFA World Cup. In the capital Republic of Mordovia they became the real stars. Locals took autographs from players and did selfi. Torres Roman was especially allocated. Let's remind that time of press conferences after a question of the journalist "the Capitals With" Kandyshev Nicholas, whether will prevent the defender in the field excess weight, terrible, but the kind man lifted a t-shirt, having shown the mighty and pumped-over torso, than broke a thunder of an applause.

Roman Aurelyano Torres Morsilyo
Last position: The professional athlete on soccer (Football club "Sietl Saunders")
Tores Roman
Chestnova Julia
Gomes Dario
Kandyshev Nicholas
Football club "Sietl Saunders"
Main activity:Culture and sports