The new deputy governor will take under control government purchases in the region

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About new appointment were reported today by the acting as the governor Alexander Moor.

On a post of the deputy governor Tyumen Region, released in connection with transition to new work Kostareva Tatyana , directing also region administration of the head, appointed from now on by Yeremeeva Helena . Under its management there is also the head legal department which she heads since 2007. About it today, on June 13, at meeting of presidium Government of Tyumen region were reported by the acting as the governor Alexander Moor .

In addition to Yeremeeva Helena assign coordination and control behind activity of Administration office civil registrations, managements for archives, managements of government procurements, COMMITTEE ON CONTROL OF PROCUREMENTS OF THE TYUMEN REGION, reported in to the press service heads of the region.

It will supervise also work of the public autonomous institution STATE INDEPENDENT INSTITUTION THAT "MFTS".

the Head Governor Administration of the Tyumen region appointed by Dyachenko Artem . It passed a labor way from the expert to the head of department expert and analytical works, is a part of a reserve of administrative shots.

the Deputy head of governor apparatus approved by Stetsenko Aleksey , earlier heading management organizational and control works.


Besides, Yeremeeva Helena and Dyachenko Artem are included in structure of the government and presidium of Government of Tyumen region.

Alexander Moor
Last position: Governor (Government of the Tyumen region)
Kostareva Tatyana
Yeremeeva Helena
Dyachenko Artem
Stetsenko Aleksey