The best in business

Show original
The best in business
the Spy comedy " Agent Inglish Johnny 3.0 " got

a new poster. The title role was played again by Rowan Atkinson , and company to him was made Kurilenko Olga , Leysi Jake , Khennessi Miranda , Miller Ben and Tompson Emma .

When all secret service agents of Her Majesty suddenly fail, game is entered by spare option. Example of English style and favourite of fatal beauties; the king of desperate situations and the keeper of analog traditions in the digital world, the agent Inglish Johnny – pain and pride of the British investigation. To this guy is what to shake up, and he vzboltayet not childly.


the Director of a picture Kerr David acted (" In the ninth number "), over the scenario William Davis worked (" How to tame a dragon ", " Stop! Or my mother will shoot "), and also authors of several last parts of a Bondiana Pervis Neal and Ueyd Robert .

the Russian premiere of a tape is planned by

for September 20.

Jake Lesi
Last position: Actor
David Kerr
Last position: Director of cinema and television
Olga Kurilenko
Last position: Model, actress
Bennet Evan Miller (Ben Miller)
Last position: Actor, director
Emma Tompson
Last position: Actress, screenwriter