Ministers of Energy of the countries BRICS agreed about start of a platform of power researches
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Ministers of Energy of the countries of BRICS agreed about start of a platform of power researches

took part In action the Minister of Energy South Africa Jef Radebe, the minister of power industry and VIE India Piyush Goyal, representatives of the Public power administration China and Ministry power industry of Federative Republic of Brazil.
the Main outcome of the third meeting of Ministers of Energy of the countries BRICS became start of a platform of power researches. The parties agreed this year to begin collaboration in carrying out research and to work possibility of signing of the memorandum of power platform activity on fields BRICS Summit. "In the conditions of global transformation of a world power system need of strengthening of a role BRICS in formation of the international power agenda is obvious to br. Now ripened requirement to add forecasts in power with a look from developing countries, whose influence increases in the world. Objective estimates and forecasts of developments the world power, BRICS, could reduce investment risks of companies, allow to deepen strategic planning", - Inyutsyn Anton told.

According to him, it is supposed that within a power platform information and analytical and research activity in interests of the countries BRICS on development questions power engineering specialists and developments of offers on the coordinated policy and strategy in the power sphere will be carried out.

"In the short term the main practical result of work of a power platform we see carrying out the first research, the contribution BRICS in ensuring global steady power developments could become one of which possible subjects. We plan to present its results at BRICS Summit next year", - Inyutsyn Anton noted following the results of a meeting.