The city hall Birobidzhan suddenly replaced the winner competitions with repair the yards with other house

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Repair the yards in Birobidzhan. Photo: From EAOMedia news agency archive Regionalnoye information company EAOmedia
of Action City administration caused questions in deputies of municipal duma (PHOTO)

on June 28, Regionalnoye information company EAOmedia. At the last meeting of the constant commissions of municipal duma Birobidzhan at people's deputies arose many questions to Mayor's office goroda because of the municipal program "Formation of a Modern Urban Environment" approved at the end of May. People's deputies demanded explanations, how the yard on st. 40 years of the Victory, 8 it was on the first place on capital repairs, and that there it is possible to make almost on 4 million rubles. The leader of a national rating of the federal project – the house on Sholem Aleichem St., 84 – officials without explanations displaced for 2019, reports Regionalnoye information company EAOmedia .

Lyudmila Kopenkina

Kopenkina Ludmila. Photo:

— I do not understand Regionalnoye information company EAOmedia at them will be only in 2019. This decision caused negative reaction of residents who knew that their house stands the first in a queue — Kopenkina Ludmila declared at meeting of deputies the vice speaker of municipal duma.

the city halls Bylinkin Pawel called the chief of Housing & communal services administration:

— In 2017 during implementation of the Urban environment project created economy of 700 thousand rubles. According to the decision of the public commission this money was directed on repair the yard on 40 let Pobedy St., 8. There the sports ground, however repairs in the yard was arranged well were not carried out. Locals want that by it made there a parking, laid system of water disposals and updated asphalt. To finish all work, this yard was included in the program this year.

Pavel Bylinkin

Bylinkin Pawel. Photo: Regionalnoye information company EAOmedia

according to the official, on repair the yard in the municipal program this year is put by 2,6 million rubles. Together with spent last year, the general costs of treasury of improvement of the house adjoining territory of the house on 40 let Pobedy St., 8 can make nearly 4 million rubles. The decision on address transfer in a rating, by words Bylinkin Pawel, the city hall, really, did not manage to coordinate with the public commission, having counted it as more logical.

Municipal duma meeting

municipal duma Meeting. Photo: Regionalnoye information company EAOmedia


in work, and also demanded revision of the program as a result deputies from City administration and if it is possible, to divide money put on this year into some yards. After all capital repairs need, according to official information, 632 Birobidzhan yards. Soon the city hall has to collect the public commission of the Urban environment project and solve, what yard will repair this year for federal funds.

Reference: For 2018 in the municipal program "Formation of a Modern Urban Environment" 18,7 million rubles are put: 2,56 million rubles from city budgets, 1,6 million from regional treasury and 14,5 million rubles from the federal center. 16 million rubles plan to spend for construction a board platform at the area Ichun, and 2,6 million rubles – for repair dvorov.

Pavel Bylinkin
Last position: First deputy head, chief (Housing & communal services administration mayor's office cities)
Kopenkina Ludmila
Housing & communal services administration
City administration
Government Agency
Mayor's office goroda
Government Agency