Details about the scandal connected with resignation of the head of Intel

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Details about the scandal connected with resignation of the head of Intel

Executive the director of Intel Brian Krzhanich (Brian Krzanich) retired on Thursday after it was found out that it violated rules of companies, concerning the relations between employees. As journalists of American daily business newspaper "The Wall Street Journal" found out, the novel which so sadly turned back for the known head, terminated still before it admitted the highest senior position to corporations.

Former executive the director of Intel Brian Krzhanich and his wife Brandi (Scott Olson / Getty Images)

Is a question of the relations with the woman who still works in Intel. They as informants told to journalists began, about ten years ago. At that moment she was middle manager and did not work closely with mister Brian Krzhanich. This novel ended in 2013, on the eve of Brian Krzhanich in a position of the executive director.

Mister Brian Krzhanich which wife too worked before in Intel at a position of the process engineer, became the head of corporation in 2013. Rules which it violated, were enacted in 2011 and forbid managers to have romantic communication with direct or indirect subordinates.

Before such policy was put into operation by

, in Intel there were many known cases of office romances. The previous head of corporation, the late Paul Stevens Otellini (Paul Otellini), too got acquainted with the wife Sandie at work — till 1995 she worked the lawyer in Intel. Resignation mister Brian Krzhanich follows in line with loud dismissals in different branches of United States of America in recent months, connected with movement %23MeToo which draws attention of society to inappropriate behavior of the men convicted by the power, in relation to female subordinates.

Though to discussed events as it is reported, already it is a lot of years, resignation Brian Krzhanich was caused by that the employee mentioned the last relations with the boss at conversation with one of colleagues. The last decided to report on it on June 14 on the general counsel of Intel. Probably, to business could close eyes if company kept for Brian Krzhanich, but recently he sewed many opponents in board. Its management was saddened by successful return of AMD to the market of desktop and server processors, problems with development of the advanced technological norms, scandal with sale by the head of Intel of the actions for total amount of $24 million on the eve of publication of data on large-scale hardware vulnerabilities of Spectre and Meltdown.