In Vietnam 15 people were lost as a result of floods and landslides
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in the north Vietnam pouring rains caused days proceeding some floods and a descent of landslides which led to death of 15 people, 11 more were missing. About it reported on Tuesday the Central steering committee on prevention of natural disasters Vietnam.

Heavy rains fell upon Laytyau's northern Province of Lai Chau, Lao Cai, Province of Ha Giang and Province of Thai Nguyen, having provoked floods and the landslides which have destroyed houses, are expensive and bridges. Revelry of elements led to serious stoppers on roads and affected power supply. In Laytyau's Province of Lai Chau the elements carried away lives of 12 people, 11 were missing, seven suffered.

In department reported that the economic damage from elements is so far estimated at 141 billion Vietnamese dong / by about 6,23 million dollars/.

the Vietnamese government already demanded

from the authorities of provinces to direct the main forces to rescue operations and recovery work.

Lao Cai
Province of Ha Giang
Province of Thai Nguyen