In the Eagle salary gave out machines

@Rossijskaja gazeta
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Today debts companies before workers - the phenomenon not so widespread, as earlier: legislation toughening willy-nilly forces owners to be more responsible. However "the intensity centers" in regions after all arise. As the authorities and law enforcement agencies can affect unfair employers, correspondents of website "Rossiyskaya gazeta" found out.
Investigating authorities open criminal cases on unfair owners, but those do not hurry to pay off with workers. Photo: Sharifulin Valery / TASS

Three years wait


Employees of group of the construction companies "Kostromagorstroy" demanded to take measures to employers who do not pay them salary. Business reached protest action.

- the Founder of our companies sits in the Duma, he is a deputy, and on it anybody cannot find a justice. To people ran into debt on 200-300 thousand rubles, - one of workers told. - Whether we will receive the money - we do not know.

the Owner of the company did not come to a meeting with workers. Instead of it representatives of prosecutor's offices talked to people, Committee of inquiry and Service of bailiffs. Investigators told about a course of investigation of criminal cases on the facts of nonpayment salaries to employees of the construction organizations, including - ISPO "Kostromagorstroy", LLC "Kostromastroymaster" and LLC DESIGN INSTITUTE "KOSTROMAGORSTROY".

- during preliminary investigation debts on salary were partially extinguished by

specified. - Personal property of the head of the organizations by total cost over two million rubles it is seized.

at the beginning of this year prosecutor's office Kostroma left with the petition for arrest not only property, but also the owner construction businesses, however the consequence did not support this initiative.

For the last one and a half years 11 criminal cases went to Kostroma Region to court against heads of the local construction organizations. Total amount of debts on salary on these affairs made 24,7 million rubles from which during the investigation it was succeeded to compensate about 16 million. And since the beginning concerning unfair employers seven criminal cases were brought.

the Hidden debts

Debtors on salary to Kostroma Region are registered as

six organizations. In total they ran into debt to the employees 5,8 million rubles. However, by recognition of staff of supervising department, the official statistics does not reflect a real picture: the real sum of debts is much more." From state statistics bodies to us notices of debts on salary only from those enterprises where over 100 people work arrive. The enterprises with smaller number of employees under the law are not obliged to notify the state about arrears. About these debts we, as a rule, recognize from complaints citizens. The majority accepted by prosecutors on the facts of violations in the sphere of compensation of acts of reaction falls to the share of the organizations which have not been obliged according to the law to submit data about arrears in bodies of state statistics", - reported in prosecutor's office.

B production investigative department of SKR of the Central district Kostroma are two criminal cases on the facts of nonpayment salaries to workers LLC "Tekhnosila" and LLC "Autotekh". The first business - on an investigation closing stage: the sum of debts at the enterprise makes two million rubles. To accelerate payments, investigators arrested the organizations belonging to the director cars and the land plot. The second was excited in May, 2018. In LLC "Autotekh" accounting documentation is withdrawn, economic examination is appointed. Against the head of one of the organizations initiated proceedings on concealment of means from collecting a shortage on taxes and to insurance premiums.

A few years ago the largest debtor on salary in Kostroma was the bankrupt enterprise "Stromneftemash". His employees arranged protest actions at city hall buildings, Regional administration and Oblduma. After arrest owners of the enterprise managed to be returned part of money, and principal debts paid to workers of "Stromneftemash" when property of plant auctioned . The charity foundation which paid for the room of 28 million rubles became the buyer of the sound building of a factory dispensary. Thanks to this transaction it was succeeded to kill two hares: after payments necessary collecting money listed to workers, and in the building of a dispensary arranged half-way house for orphan children.

the Machine on account of salaries

To Oryol Region the last two years the principal debt on salary, according to official data, fell on only one enterprise. Once successful plant of road mechanical engineering entered procedure of bankruptcies. The register of requirements of creditors included the sum over one billion rubles. From them more than 65 million fell on a debt to now former workers. It is necessary to tell that they were not idle and literally filled up courts with claims about collecting salaries. Besides, more than 400 workers with support of regional prosecutor's offices won against the enterprise the collective claim. As already told website "Rossiyskaya gazeta", dispute went about five bulldozers made by plant. A claim for them was raised by partner firm of the bankrupt enterprise. This property could be arrested and exposed on auctions. So it also turned out. Bulldozers were recognized as plant property then police officers sold them by auction. Revenue started directing on repayment of debts.

Are long at the enterprises where less than hundred people work, the statistics does not consider - prosecutor's office learns about them from citizens

in the Winter the regional authorities promised that debts to workers will be satisfied by March of this year. However by April it was succeeded to lower them to 35 million rubles only. Officials cannot influence calculations directly. The property of plant is sold badly, buyers beat down the price. Last year part of a debt workers even were given out machines - after they did not manage to be sold at auction.

- the Question of repayment of debts on salary in full is not solved yet, - the prosecutor Oryol Region Yvan Poluektov reported website "Rossiyskaya gazeta".

Is both the hidden debts, and gray schemes of payments. So, at six bankrupt enterprises the salary debt made 19,9 million rubles. These companies "are not respondents of statistical supervision", that is their debt is not considered by official statistics. By the way, last year in the region 20 criminal cases about debts to workers were brought, on eight courts pronounced sentences. Punish generally penalties and disqualification - to directors temporarily forbid to direct any firms.

Experience of the Eagle shows that it is possible to satisfy a debt and without property sale. However the will of the authorities and budgetary funds are necessary. So, in December of last year Municipal autotransportnoe enterprise was declared "MU PATP-1" bankrupt. In February, 2018 it stopped work, employees reduced. Them was over 70, and for a moment dismissals the debt to them made about 1,3 million rubles.

to Workers the requirements within open court suggested to declare to

competitive productions. But it means that they have to get in line and money will receive only after the largest creditors. And that in case something remains after property sale. By the way, the total debt of the ruined enterprise exceeds 60 million rubles. The authorities thought extinguishing it from budgets and to rescue PATP. the city did not find Money, however thought up a way to help workers.

- the Competitive managing director could not pay off with them according to severance pays, - the head of administration Orla Alexander Muromsky told. - Therefore we signed contract debt cedations with the municipal enterprise "Orelvodokanal".

Bankruptcy building industry plant in the region where there is an active construction, quite strange

the Last signed contracts with the workers dismissed with PATP, and gradually at own expense paid them salary. According to the city hall, today the rest makes about 41 thousand rubles. Put did not receive some people who are not present now in the Eagle. After dismissals they went on earnings to other regions.

the Scheme worked

, however in reality the debt did not disappear. It copied on municipality which itself gave to court on PATP and became one of his creditors. By the way, it grants to officials the right to vote at meetings of creditors on which the destiny of the enterprise depends, - in particular, to influence decisions on sale and the property price.

the Heavy design

In the government Tula Region at meeting of the interdepartmental commission once again discussed a situation on Kireyevsk plant of an easy metalwork. By words director general plant Urusov Oleg, debts before employees of the enterprise exceed 30 million rubles. One of employees of the enterprise (he asked not to tell his name as dismissals are afraid) told
website "Rossiyskaya gazeta" that the collective did not see normal salaries since April of last year. According to him, the management of the enterprise compels workers to leave at own will. But then people lose payments put by it.

A a situation at the enterprise the heavy. Procedure of bankruptcies - supervision is begun, interim manager - Tkachenko Maria is approved. According to her, now there is audit the enterprises then the decision on possibility of restoration of solvency of plant or introduction of procedure of competitive productions will be made. General meeting of workers is planned for July.

Bankruptcy building industry plant in the region where there is an active construction, looks quite strange. Kireevsky plant of an easy metalwork - not simply city-forming enterprise: in due time it was one of the largest plants to Russian Federation, busy production wall panels. Problems at it began in 1997 is there was one of the first attempts to Russian Federation raider captures large plant. Minority shareholders - the employees of the enterprise who have received actions during privatization, sold them, not especially reflecting on consequences. In parallel debts grew. There were courts, surge in emotions and meetings. Criminal cases were brought and closed. But by 2011 new owners prevailed. Here only did not manage to revive production in former volume. Now workers should endure next "fight" for salary.