Tariffs for housing and communal services will grow since July 1 in Magadan

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Household management company. Photo: Olennikova Maria, information agency "IrkutskMedia"
Heating will rise in price for 2,5%, cold water supply – for 0,5%, water disposal – for 3,8%, the electric power – 4,4%

on June 26, MagadanMedia. Since July 1 to Russian Federation tariffs for housing and communal services again will grow. It occurs every year. By tradition of the last years a payment lift in the middle of the summer. Expected increase – on the average 4%. In terms of money – 155 rubles on the person in a month. This calculation is based on data of the forecast of developments Russian Federation in the social and economic sphere for the next five years. As the main justification of growth of tariffs wear of infrastructure through which a resource deliver to consumers traditionally serves. Heating will rise in price for 2,5%, cold water supply – for 0,5%, water disposal – for 3,8%, the electric power – 4,4%, reports MagadanMedia with reference to Kolyma Plus TV channel.

Total increase of tariffs should not exceed the limit indexes established by the state for the concrete region. For example, to Magadan Region it is 5%. It is expected that hot water will most of all rise in price. In terms of money to 180 rubles for the cubic meter, cold to 35 rubles. The main reason of increase of tariffs there is a modernization of the sphere of Household management company. The matter is that resursosnabzhayushchy organizations hardly defray expenses on providing services. And grants from local budgets cannot cover losses which, including, are connected with big debt the population before the municipal enterprises.

"The tariff for electric energy will be established to

at a rate of 5,04 rubles for kilowatt. This tariff is preferential, also as well as that tariff which works now since July, 2016. The tariff is economically reasonable which was defined by Federal Antimonopoly Service at a rate of 5,24 rubles. The difference will be subsidized from regional budgets.

If to speak in a section of utilities, heating will increase by 2,5%, cold water supply – for 0,5%, on water disposal – for 3,8%, the electric power – 4,4%. If in absolute value if earlier the tariff on cold water supply made 20,01 ruble, costs 20,11 rubles. Only 10 kopeks. On thermal energy, the tariff with 2,998 will increase by 3,083 rubles for gigacalorie. These are key parameters of which there are cumulative growth payments for 4,5%", – the head of department of the prices and tariffs Magadan Region Varfolomeeva Inna told .

we Will remind

, in 2017 in five regions Far East reduced price of electricity to the average Russian level for industrial consumers. These are those subjects where the price sometimes reached 30-40 rubles for kilowatt-hour. Actually price discrimination of northern Far East regions which lasted decades, is stopped. Already today the enterprises of these five regions save annually more than 20 billion rubles, without overpaying for the electric power, and local budgets save 6 billion rubles. Money go not for subsidizing expensive the electric power, and for construction of hospitals, kindergartens, providing with drugs, support of large families, increase in regional surcharges to pensions, increase of salaries employees of the budgetary sphere.