The London court left "freezing" of assets of National fund Kazakhstan in force

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© information agency "Agence France-Presse" 2018/JOEL SAGET

Ocherednoy court in the matter of the Moldavian businessman Stati Anatol passed the decision not in favor of Kazakhstan


Astana, 26 Jun – Sputnik. the London appeal court upheld the resolution allowing to Bank of New York Mellon COR to freeze assets of National fund Kazakhstan in a size of 22,6 billion US dollars, is reported on a site .

Stati Anatol and Gabriel Stati Anatol who submitted judicial claims against Kazakhstan in 2010 Are a question of trial with participation of two Moldavian businessmen. Stati Anatol demanded 4 billion dollars from Kazakhstan through arbitration to Sweden, but by it was awarded 500 million dollars. 199 million from these means are allegedly connected with costs of construction of gas-processing plant.

Who such Stati Anatol and why on it to claim means of National fund Kazakhstan


custodian of Bank of New York Mellon COR "are frozen" froze assets of National fund Kazakhstan for the sum of 22 billion dollars in December, 2017.

Court, Stockholm, obliged the Kazakhstan party to pay Stati Anatol and to their companies more than 500 million dollars in the form of compensation of damage and a legal cost for violation of the international obligations.

Akishev about "freezing" of means of National fund: 22 billion dollars anybody never will take away

at the beginning of January, 2018 district court Amsterdam left without changes the decision on arrest of actions of the Dutch companies to KMG Kashagan BV for the sum of 5,2 billion dollars, to belonging Joint-stock company "National welfare fund "Samruk-Kazyna", in favor of the Moldavian businessmen. The former decision in favor of citizens Moldova Anatoly and Gabriel Stati Anatol, and also their companies Ascom Group by SA and Terra Raf Trans Traiding Ltd was taken out on September 8, 2017.

at the end of May, 2018 court the first instance in Brussels removed preliminary arrest from assets of National fund Kazakhstan. Also court decided what to release the remained means of 530 million dollars it is possible in English vessels.