Graduates Sarpinsky district entered new life

@RIA Kalmykija
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Leaving school – one of the most exciting moments of our life. Behind carefree childhood, noisy changes and unlearned lessons. Adult life begins. The graduation party is a holiday which is kept in mind. This one of the most colourful, warm and mass actions.

Expecting the holiday beginning, elegant graduates posed before cameras, accepted congratulations of acquaintances and friends. But even in cheerful laughter the grief note was felt. After all today the last farewell to school which for several years was for them the second house was necessary to them. The central square of the village Garden Sarpinsky district was hammered to the full. During the holiday were not only teachers, parents and relatives of graduates, but also villagers who came to admire present graduates and to lead them to adult life.

solemn music Sounds. To the square there are graduates-2018. In 11 years they not only proved all theorems and confirmed axioms, but also removed own formulas of excellent study. Many of them – winners of the Olympic Games, excellent students, winners of various competitions. But during the holiday spoke not about it. From a scene gratitude words to teaching structure, parents sounded, many songs and verses were devoted to them. Heroes of the occasion told special words to the first teachers and class teachers who for several years did not disregard any problem of the pupils, gave a helping hand, found suitable words the necessary minute.

the official part of evening Began

with delivery of certificates which by tradition was carried out by directors and teachers of schools and guests of a holiday – the minister of the land and property relations of RK Lidzhiev Boris , the deputy head of Sarpinsky RMO Yemelyanov Valery and the chief specialist concerning preschool and general educations department of educations administrations of Sarpinsky RMO Stakieva Saglar . Each of them wished to children of fulfillment of desires, to receive an interesting profession, to establish a strong family, to rejoice to every day. From now on before graduates the new world, in which they – independent and adults opens!

By tradition the first to a scene invited medallists – graduates of Sadovsky high school No. 1 Krakhmaleva Christina and to Sanchirova Valentina. Also this festive evening at the schools of a medal received Levgeeva Tatyana , the graduate of Sharnutovsky school of B. S. Sandzharykov, and Arnaev Milan , the graduate of Sarpinsky school of E. Delikov. Letters of thanks marked out also parents of these graduates.

evening a concert Proceeded. Graduates tried wonderfully well and prepared the fascinating program. Now the former school students thanked the parents which all these years them supported, expressed the love and respect to class teachers, teachers, native school; remembered how for the first time came to school, saw the first teacher. Evening of farewell to school passed beautifully and solemnly. The night sky was painted in end by bright fireworks.

    Title Title Title Title Title

Boris Lidzhiev
Main activity:Official
Yemelyanov Valery
Stakieva Saglar
Krakhmaleva Christina
Sanchirova Valentina