Annual general meeting of shareholders PUBLIC JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "AEROFLOT" took place

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on June 25, 2018, website "Aviation EXplorer" – The next annual general meeting of shareholders PAO "PUBLIC JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "AEROFLOT" — the Russian airlines" (further — PUBLIC JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "AEROFLOT" or "Company") took place. Shareholders PUBLIC JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "AEROFLOT" elected new structure Boards of directors and made decisions on other questions of the agenda, the airline press service reports." Annual general meeting of shareholders made the decision on payment dividends by results of 2017 fiscal years at the level of 50% of net profit of PUBLIC JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "AEROFLOT", created according to the Russian standards of accounting (RSA). The sum of dividends will make 14 221,7 million rubles. The size of dividends on 1 action — 12,8053 rubles with payment in the order provided by the legislation, till August 10, 2018", - it is spoken in the message. The annual report and results of annual accounting (financial) reports for 2017 are approved by the presented Company. It is noted that the Aeroflot Group PUBLIC JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "AEROFLOT" entered in top-20 world air carriers on a passenger traffic. After almost 30-year break return PUBLIC JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "AEROFLOT" in global elite of branch took place and one of main objectives of Strategy-2025 is ahead of schedule reached. Further growth of transportations, development IT infrastructures, a route network and expansion of park of modern aircrafts are called key milestones of year. In 2017 the Aeroflot Group PUBLIC JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "AEROFLOT" achieved high operational results. Its passenger traffic grew by 15,4% to new record value — 50,1 million passengers, and this process happened as on international, and internal air-lines. The Group share in the Russian market of air transportation made 40,5%. PUBLIC JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "AEROFLOT" separately for fiscal year transported 32,8 million passengers — 13,3% more, than in previous year. As the main drivers of growth development transit Europe – Asia, and also loukost-transportations which within Group successfully are carried out by Pobeda airline is defined. Despite action of the external economic factors, the Aeroflot Group PUBLIC JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "AEROFLOT" got for 2017 net profit of 23,1 billion rubles according to the International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS). The revenue of Group increased to 532,9 billion rubles — for 7,5% in comparison with previous year. The proceeds from regular passenger traffic made 427,5 billion rubles (%2B5,9%). These figures serve as confirmation of financial stability of Companies and its potential. Results of activity PUBLIC JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "AEROFLOT" gained high recognition of expert community and passengers. The airline strongly keeps the 4th place in the world among airlines on digitalizations in a rating of the consulting companies Bain %26 Co. PUBLIC JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "AEROFLOT" remains the largest online seller to Russian Federation. More and more innovative there are a site and mobile applications PUBLIC JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "AEROFLOT" as means of significant improvement of service and increase of efficiency of commercial activity. The special rate is made on development of decisions on the basis of Big Data and Cloudy technologies. PUBLIC JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "AEROFLOT" confirmed a high rating "four stars" from the British companies with Skytrax — leading in the world of the appraiser of level of service on the air transport. In 2017 he for the sixth time in the history got the prestigious award Skytrax World Airline Awards in the nomination "The Best Airline Eastern Europe". Besides, Companies the highest score "five stars" from the American aviation association APEX is assigned. In 2017 the world famous agency Brand Finance called PUBLIC JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "AEROFLOT" the strongest aviation brand in the world, and in the current year Company reserved this prestigious status. The intermediate purposes within strategy of Aeroflot Group PUBLIC JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "AEROFLOT" for 2018-2022 are corrected towards increase. Prerequisites to further early achievement of the objectives of Strategy of developments Groups till 2025 remain. Following the results of competitive selection by the auditor of annual accounting (financial) reports of PUBLIC JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "AEROFLOT" for 2018 on RSBU the auditor firm JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "EYCH EL BE VNESHAUDIT", as the auditor of the consolidated financial statements of PUBLIC JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "AEROFLOT" (Aeroflot Groups PUBLIC JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "AEROFLOT") for 2018 on IFRS — auditor firm JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "PVK AUDIT" is approved. The new structure Boards of directors is approved which 11 candidates entered: - Bergstrom Lars Eric Anders — the senior adviser of UB AB Business consultation, Stockholm, Sweden; - Voevodin Mikhail — director general public joint-stock company "VSMPO Corporation — AVISMA"; - Aleksey Germanovich — the board member of Fund "Development Sankt-Peterburgsky gosudarstvenny university, St. Petersburg university or St.Petersburg State University", the chairman of committee on corporate governance of expert and consulting council Federal Agency for State Property Management; - Igor Aleksandrovich Kamenskoy — the managing director of LLC "Renessans Broker"; - Pakhomov Roman Viktorovich — director general Aviakapital-Service limited liability companies; - Dimitri Nikolaevich Peskov — the area director "Young professionals" Agency strategic initiatives (ASI); - Mikhail Poluboyarinov — the first deputy chairman - the board member of the state corporation "Vneshekonombank"; - Vitaly Savelyev — director general public joint-stock company "PUBLIC JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "AEROFLOT" - the Russian airlines"; - Vasilii Sidorov — director general LLC "ARIDA"; - Youri Borisovich Slyusar — the president PUBLIC JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "OPEN JOINT-STOCK COMPANY"; - Sergei Chemezov — director general GARAGE COOPERATIVE "ROSTEKH". The new structure of Audit commission from 5 people is elected: - Belikov Igor — the director of NP "RID"; - Nikitina Catherina — the adviser to the president of PUBLIC JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "TRANSNEFT"; - Sorokin Mikhail — the head of department of management Federal Agency for State Property Management; - Ubugunov Sergei — the head of department of department Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation ; - Shipilov Vasilii Petrovich — the deputy director of department Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation.