One round the world: as live in the African floating village

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Foto Sidorenko Irina
the 24th series about round-the-world travel of the Muscovite Sidorenko Irina and Greta's her dogs: Benin, Nigeria — in the XIX century here traded in slaves

the Former employee of agency of elite real estate of Kalinka Group after several training autotravel decided on circumnavigation in the car and in companies dogs. About its movement in real time it is possible to watch in the blog Vokrugsvet's . In previous series Sidorenko Irina and Greta met New year in That.


Thirty kilometers across Benin along the ocean — sandy it is expensive, as if to a safari on the desert. "Only do not stop, only do not stop" — I told myself all this time. Otherwise it is possible to sit down in sand on my sedan which has not been adapted for off road terrain.

Here and I go on the African continent, through sand, stones, timbered bridges and clay medley. On impassable, apparently, to places. What moves me forward? Prayer, gratitude, support of relatives and absolutely strangers. "Only do not stop, only do not stop" — I speak to myself every day. I know that for me wait. The house and in different corners of our immense country — as friend, as the loved one achieving dream much wait. Because if at me it will turn out, and others have a chance.

But here road turns

from the ocean in depth of the country, soft sand is replaced by asphalt, and I get to the village on water. It is surprising as people adapt here to living conditions: wooden houses stand on high piles, boats — the main vehicle from the settlement to the settlement, bathing in the river — the most popular entertainment at local children. And, of course, real fish paradise. Gifts of local waters are on sale continually.

Road to Cotonou

To Cotonou, the largest city of Benin, I am not late for a long time. I receive the visa to Democratic Republic of Congo and I bring "Elantra" to car service, to prepare it for transit transition Nigeria — Cameroon — Gabon — Congo — DRK. We change spark plugs, engine oil, filters and back brake shoes. While I wait for completion of the work, each automaster considered as the debt to make with me selfi. The spontaneous photoshoot is caused by the magic words "oll Africa" and "fry Sierra Leone that Liberia", 38 000 km from Moscow and 8 months of a way. Surprise, approving gesture by a thumb up and a picture for memory.

Car repair, road to Nigeria

information Came that the Russian crew starts from Benin not on January 3 as agreed earlier but only the sixth. It means that days I should wait for them on border, already in Nigeria my Beninese visa comes to an end per day earlier. And I did not count that it is necessary to be late in Nigeria more long, than was planned initially. Transit transition turns into excursion round: instead of three days over this country it is necessary to pass five to State of Enugu — it is a route of my fellow travelers who will carry across Nigeria tourists clients. Besides, in Calabar I need to receive the Cameroonian visa. Therefore from State of Enugu I should make an additional hook on the country South, and I began searches of fellow travelers in this site of Nigeria.

From Benin me let out hardly, the frontier guard carped at an expiration date of the visa and decided that term expired on January 5 at night. Arranged the consultation, as the whole world considered on fingers number of days, any chief did not interfere yet and did not render a verdict: to let out.

the Nigerian frontier service was more loyal and friendly if not to take in attention not only a few quantity checking, blocking road rope barriers through each meter - two. To me the volunteer helped to pass customs and boundary subtleties of a strange look, for the lack of cash money "paid off" with it for services a can of canned food.

we Got stuck on the veterinary service which chief got into the role of the Big Chief. He loudly shouted, waved my references, sent someone somewhere to do photocopies, again shouted and asked money. Having scanned type of his personality, quietly gave the chance to finish performance, after all it was more important to me to receive the entry visa with Greta. About difficulties of travel with a dog over this country it has heard a lot for a long time, in advance it was prepared, it was quiet and it is not inclined to bribes. Drama performance lasted more than an hour, but I did not hurry anywhere: all the same to wait the Russian crew almost days, and I should have taken time somehow.

Slave trade museum

Idea to wait for fellow travelers in the border village had to leave

the dangerous tool.

the Police checked documents only once, on a post before turn to hotel. And here I at the ocean, wait for information from fellow travelers and I fill up till the morning with sound sleep. Was alarmed.

Next day together with the Russian crew to me the posylochka from Moscow reached: friends gave the automobile vacuum cleaner instead of lost in Guinea, and drugs which are not present in Africa.

It is started in Badagri already by two crews, I follow compatriots. The first stop in the Museum of the slave trade prospering in these regions up to the middle of the XIX century. But museum pieces me interest a little, I observe that occurs around. The girl of years of ten skillfully changes clothes of the little sister baby. At first I thought that she plays with a doll! But the baby lovely smiles and with pleasure waves the tiny handle on a camera.


Oshogbo sacred grove


It is expensive from Badagri to Abeokuta — a tin. Yamochny asphalt smoothly passes in deep yamochny, with rare breaks to more or less normal cloth. And so 140 km! To Abeokuta we reach already late evening, long we choose hotel. I save the modest budget and I refuse expensive number, preferring habitual spending the night in the car. But David employed by my fellow travelers Nigerian accompanying, agrees with hotel administration on a good discount, and us with Greta place in the cozy room. Pleasantly. Found in a hotel room the Bible. Today after all Christmas, I note with pleasure and I accept this sign as blessing.

the Further way within two days passed

also "small dashes" from excursion to excursion. To Oshogbo we visited the Sacred grove, and in Ife — the ancient palace and got acquainted with his keeper.


in the Evening on next of numerous police posts the transmission of my "Elantra" refused to switch over, the car stopped. The next city — Akura, to it 15 km. Towage transports is forbidden by the Nigerian law, guards with gloss assured of eyes, but for 5000 Nigerian naira they are ready to break a letter of the law and to allow my fellow travelers to take me to car service. So I for the first time for travel all the time on the world bribed police officers.

the Car service in Akure appeared a platform open-air where some mechanics were slowly picked cars. One of them also slowly found out the breakage reason — the main cylinder of coupling departed, and quickly found the necessary spare part: the analysis market in Africa prospers.

Car repair

we are late in Akure till a dinner of the next day. I wait when my fellow travelers too will deal with technical questions. Children changed windows and rearranged wheels on the SUV. So African African service, does not suffer haste.

But were passed by us not for long. Through 70 km my car stopped again. For the same reason: the transmission refused to switch over. Nikolay, one of clients of my fellow travelers, volunteered to take "Elantra" to the next village, the benefit was under a hill.

the Car were surrounded by children and curious adults. Caused by phone of the master. Jamil, the young mechanic, arrived in person with two journeymen and it appeared the first guy on the village. Children explained him the reason of breakage and went further — hurried to Benin on press conference local mass media. And I remained on road in the middle of the unfamiliar village in an environment of Africans.