Accused of power capture in Lithuania the MG Baltic concern won the first court

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forbade Court to the chairman of parliamentary committee on national safety and defense publicly to tell about results of rassledovaniya

the MG Baltic Concern mentioned in the case of political corruptions, the document DGB and conclusions of parliamentary Committee on national security and defense (KNBO), today, on June 22, declared that today court made the decision to forbid the chairman of KNBO Bakas Vitautas to distribute certain statements about concern, the correspondent information agency "REGNUM" reports.

Earlier the concern appealed to court with a request to recognize Bakas Vitautas that activity of MG Baltic corresponds to signs of an organized criminal group (organized crime), and that MG Baltic caused to the state damage of about 500 million euros, inappropriate to reality and breaking business reputation of the claimant, and also to apply temporary protective measures.

"Bakas Vitautas — the propagandist, which already during events in Garliava (large pedofilsky scandal in Lithuania 2009−2010) urged not to carry out the court decision , called for court the people and caused turmoil in society. Having come to the power, he behaves in the same way, and we do not believe that he understands the responsibility. Despite it, we estimate the court decision as small, but an important victory of the constitutional state over an arbitrariness of politicians and satisfaction of the personal political interests", — is quoted in the press release the director of Department of corporate affairs and Marchyukaytis Tadas .

the Concern submitted earlier claim to court concerning recognition of the data stated in the document DGB, inappropriate to reality and breaking business reputation.

On DGB to court also gave the former minister Shukis Raymondas and Sayudis liberals. The Vilnius district police officer court accepted Sayudis's address of liberals in which the party asks to disprove statements of DGB which allegedly are not true. In complaint it is specified that the party does not agree that it is created and is completely controlled by concern, calls it interpretations.


B the conclusions of KNBO approved by Diet it is claimed that heads of MG Baltic began to carry out the political scenario according to which sought to create new party of liberals which would satisfy interests of concern. MG Baltic, having founded connected with heads of concern political party — Sayudis liberals, less than in 10 years became the most influential business group Lithuania.

Bakas Vitautas
Marchyukaytis Tadas
Shukis Raymondas