Daur Tarba about value of the village: peasants – the most noble inhabitants Abkhazia

@Sputnik Abhazija
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Daur Tarba
© Sputnik / Tkhaytsuk Thomas

O development agriculture to Abkhazia, and in interview of Sputnik told about value of agrarian sector the Minister of Agriculture Daur Tarba.

"Last year on development villages in budget put 35 million, the Ministry of Agriculture gave the population help in the size of 27 million. This year on development agriculture financial means are not provided" — noted Daur Tarba.

the Minister told that this year the big crop of melon cultures is expected.

"People in villages work with

. There will be no village, there will be no our traditions also. Peasants – the most noble inhabitants Abkhazia" — noted Daur Tarba on air radio Sputnik Abkhazia.