Soccer. Standings of 2018 FIFA World Cup: Croatia sends to Messi Leo and passes in 1/8 finals
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of . On Thursday, June 21, on the FIFA World Cup were sygrani the next matches of the second round of a group stage. In Saransk Denmark met Australia, to Yekaterinburg France examined Peruvians, and within the evening program of day Argentina in Nizhny Novgorod battled to Croatia.

Standings of 2018 FIFA World Cup

Group D. Argentinians and Croats approached to an internal meeting which took place today in Nizhny Novgorod, in a different psychological state. Behind the back of Croats there were three points earned in a match with Nigeria, and behind the back of Argentinians – one point and the criticism sea after a match of the first round with Iceland.

Most of all for a draw with islanders got to the leader "albiselesty" Messi Leo which the penalty kick could not realize. Right after game fans of the Latin American team accused Messi Leo of negligent attitude to games for the main team of the country. Mother of the well-known football player Seliya Kuchchitini who has assured fans of devotion of Messi Leo to the team managed to calm the upset fans only.

- Dream of the son – to win the World Cup. If you saw Lionel such what him is seen by us, you would learn how he suffers and cries. The criticism hurts it", – told mother Messi Leo.

the First time hardly will help with Nizhny to mother Messi Leo to avoid new explanations with fans - in 45 minutes of Messi Leo concerned a ball two-three times, and game was remembered first of all by aggressiveness of Croats and dangerous" road accidents" between Merkado and Rebich who rigidly faced with each other in fight for a ball on the 35th minute. Did without injuries.

A that happened on the 53rd minute of the second time should speak not only mother Messi Leo, but also all national team Argentina! The most gross blunder of the skilled goalkeeper Kabalyero! The guard of gate of "Chelsea" tried to beat out a ball after otygrysha the defender, but instead only conveniently suspended a leather shell under a foot to the running Anta Rebich who started a ball on a trajectory inaccessible to the Caballero – 1:0!

After a mistake of the Caballero Sampaoli's team absolutely went out. The most active Argentinian on the arena "Nizhny Novgorod" at this moment there was only Maradon Diego. It seemed that else slightly and the legendary football player himself will run out in the field to rescue reputation of the Argentina soccer. To believe that in the field double world champions, as a part of which such masters as Messi Leo and La Güera, were difficult.

A evening Croatia proceeded! On the 80th minute Modric Luca received a pass from Brozovich, broke to a penalty area of the rival and struck magnificent blow under the right bar – 2:0!

in ten minutes the exact blow sent Ivan Rakitic who responded on Kovachich's pass in a penalty of the rival and punched in an empty gate corner.

the National team Croatia – in a World Cup playoffs!

the Calendar and results of 2018 FIFA World Cup

Tournament situation in group D develops in such a way that in a playoffs we recognize the owner of the second ticket only after matches of the third round.

After today's beating Argentina at top to standings of group D became stronger Croats, in which asset of 6 points. After balkanets go, the Argentinians who have earned on one point and Icelanders, closes a quartet team Nigeria which can join tomorrow in fight for an exit in a playoffs in a match with Iceland.

Game between islanders and Africans will take place

in Volgograd and will begin at 18:00 across Moscow.

Group C. the Second round of a quartet opened in the field of stadium" Samara the Arena" a match Denmark – Australia. To the equator of a group stage Aage Harejde's who has won the first round of Peruvians team, approached with three points in an asset and chance already today to take a serious step on a way to 1/8 finals. For Australians who on start of tournament ceded France, game with the European team was the last opportunity to select points at the direct competitor and to keep chances of an exit in Mandial's following round.

the Account Jorgensen who found Eriksen's exact transfer, in a contact driven a ball in the top gate corner Ryan Matthew was open for

on the seventh minute by efforts of the Danish forward.

the Second goal in this match was filled with

on the 38th minute when the Spanish arbitrator Mateu Laos was beaten with a videosystem of VAR and brought to eleven-meter blow of the Australian halfback Mayl Edinak. The last did not spoil a combination, having accurately realized a penalty – 1:1.<"57>"

After an interval game went with advantage of Australians, Shmeykhel had a lot of work, but Danes could defend a total draw favorable to.

the Second match of group C took place in Yekaterinburg where the national team Peru passed test by France. For both teams the victory in the capital of Ural promised serious bonuses - Desham's team ahead of schedule made out the permit in 1/8, and Latin Americans acquired the right to continue fight for one of two treasured permits.

From first minutes of a match Peruvians who returned on the World Cup long 36 years later, tried to pay back a trip in far to Russian Federation due to successful game against one of favourites of the FIFA World Cup, but defenders "three-colored" greedy defended Lyoris's gate and chances to profit at own expense to the rival left not much.

the Most dangerous moment Peruvians created

on 31 minutes when the forward José Guerrero cool processed a ball after a lumbago from a corner of a field and powerfully punched a bottom, having given the chance to Lyoris to rescue gate and to break an applause of tribunes.

French answered

in three minutes with goal attack performed by Paule Labil Pogba which robbed the rival before others penalty area, found a pass to Fat, that punched in a foot to the Peruvian defender, and on a dobivaniye the first it appeared to Mbappa who is before empty gate.

the Result of the first time remained to a final whistle which marked an exit combined France in 1/8 finals. From what place Desham's team will pass in a playoffs will decide in internal dismantling with Denmark.

After matches of the second round standings of Group C look as follows: France with six points and the permit in 1/8 in a pocket at top, is two points less at Danes, in a nape "red-white" the Australians, gathered for two rounds one point, and at the bottom of the table team Peru, suitable in the third round without asset breathe.

on June 26 Australians at the Sochi stadium "Fisht" will play

to Peruvians for whom fight for the World Cup already ended, and Denmark in the same day in Luzhniki will battle to France.

not to look back at a match Australia – Peru in the third round to Danes will be to draw enough with France, or to hope that in a parallel match Peruvians will constrain an impact Australia.

in case of a victory Australia and defeats Denmark in the last round the owner of the second permit will be determined by

by a difference of the hammered and passed balls.

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