Prospects of developments the Azerbaijani-Vietnamese cooperation are discussed

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on June 21, Fineko/ On June 20 the prime minister Azerbaidjan Mamedov Novruz met delegation headed by the minister of the industry and trades Vietnam, the cochairman of the Intergovernmental commission on economic, trade, scientific and technical cooperation Chan Tuanom Anem.

the Prime minister Mamedov Novruz noted value of mutual visits of high level between Azerbaidjan and Vietnam. Having emphasized that it testifies to high level of communications of our countries, Mamedov Novruz told that Azerbaidjan attaches significance to development cooperation with Vietnam in all spheres.

Having reminded of visit of the President Ilkham Aliev to Vietnam, the prime minister emphasized that was a part of the Azerbaijani delegation, and during this visit cooperation prospects in the field of power were discussed, existence of good opportunities for developments this sphere is noted. It was brought to attention that in recent years Azerbaidjan and Vietnam is developed by communications in political, economic and cultural spheres.

Having noted importance of visit of the minister of the industry and trades Vietnam, the cochairman of the Intergovernmental commission on economic, trade, scientific and technical cooperation Chan Tuana Ania to Azerbaidjan, Mamedov Novruz emphasized that this visit will make a contribution to development the relations between our countries.

In detail having informed the prime minister about passing in Baku the second meeting of the Intergovernmental commission Azerbaijan-Vietnam, Chan Tuan An emphasized that bilateral ties with Azerbaidjan, being the state - the leader of the region, are of interest to its country. The guest noted importance of cooperation in the field of agriculture, the food, educations, power, sports, investments, tourism, etc.

Ilkham Aliev
Last position: President of the Azerbaijan Republic (President of Azerbaijan Republic)
Chan Tuan An
Last position: Minister (MOIT)
Mamedov Novruz