In the City Day of guests of a holiday the unusual musical program "Waits return to Sorrento!"

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on June 30 on the main scenic platform in Lenin Avenue alignment at 19 o'clock will begin the program of the Symphonic orchestra of the Karelian state philharmonic hall "Return to Sorrento! " with participation of guests from Saint Petersburg and Malta.

the Conductor – Nyaga Aleksey. Soloists: Yordanov Andrian (Malta, soprano) and Arndt Roman (Saint Petersburg, tenor).

Yordanov Andrian was born in Bulgaria. In 1992 graduated from University Sofia with the diploma in the Russian philology. The same year it continued the vocal education and arrived in National musical academy of P. Vladigerov in Sofia which ended with honors. During the training in Academy Yordanov Andrian became the winner of the First Academic vocal competition and the owner of a grant from Kraft Yakobsa Sushard. In 1997 won a grant and a course on opera "Melancholy" preparation in the European Opera Center in gorod Manchester under the leadership of the conductor Kent Nagano, the prof. Marta Lantyeri, Paskalis Kostas and Skotto Renate. The same year she won a grant in Academy of Culture and Arts Khristov Boris in Rome and trained there under the leadership of Dzhanella Borelli (mezzo-soprano). Next year Yordanov Andrian Sofia won a special prize for the best performance of the modern aria in national vocal competition "Hristo Brjmbarov" in Sófia took part in statements of the prestigious international festival "Varna Summer Music Festival" Since 2002 of her pit Malta where it lives 14 years is connected with the island. Yordanov Andrian became one of leading singers in the country under the leadership of the Maltese teacher and Dzhuliyet Bizazza's soprano.

Arndt Roman graduated from Omsk musical school of V.Ya.Shebalin majoring in "vocal art" in 2009 and vocal faculty of the St. Petersburg state conservatory of. N.A.Rimsky-Korsakova in 2014. Since 2012 - the soloist of the St. Petersburg state theater "Zazerkalye". On a scene of "World behind the looking-glass" performed Rudolf's parts (J. Puccini's "Bohemia"), Ferrando ("So arrive all" W.-A. Mozart), Vodemon ("Iolanthe" Chaykovsky P. I.). In 2013 performed Nemorino's part in the opera "Love Drink" Donitsetti G. on a scene of the Krasnodar musical theater "Premyera" of L.G.Gatov. Within Zazerkalye theater tours on the New scene of the Bolshoi theater performed Tamino's parts ("A magic flute" W.-A. Mozart, 2013), Pinkerton ("Madam Batterflay" J. Puccini, 2016), Rinuchcho ("Gianni Schicchi", 2016). Within the International festival "The Opera — All" performed the following parts: Nemorino ("Love drink" Donitsetti G.), Gvidon ("Golden Cockerel" Rimsky-Korsakov N. A.), Manager, Chaplitsky ("Queen of spades" Chaykovsky P. I.), Trike ("Eugene Onegin" Chaykovsky P. I.), Almerik ("Iolanthe" Chaykovsky P. I.), Walter von der Fogelwejde ("Tangeyzer" Wagner R.). Participated in concert performances of operas: "Travel to Reims" J. Rossini, "Fairies" Wagner R. (Big hall of the St. Petersburg philharmonic hall), "Don Juan" of W.-A. Mozart, "Emperor of Atlantis" Ulman V. (Small Hall of the St. Petersburg philharmonic hall), "The imperial bride" Rimsky-Korsakov N. A., "Demon" Rubinshteyn A. (atrium of the General staff), "Carmen" Bize Zh. (St. Petersburg academic chapel). Acted in Lensky's party in concert performance of the opera "Eugene Onegin" on a scene of Philharmonic hall Nizhny Tagil. Participated performed by L. van Beethoven's 9th symphony on a scene of Smolny Cathedral. Is the invited soloist of Theatre of Conservatory of N.A.Rimsky-Korsakov. Acted to France, Switzerland, Germany, Belgium, United States of America. Worked with such conductors, as Titov Alexander, Tatarnikov Mikhail, Bubelnikov Pawel, Mastrandzhelo Fabio, Polishchuk Alexander, Stadler Sergei, Golikov Mikhail, Rybalko Anatoly, etc. Winner of the international competitions. The nominee on the Highest theatrical award Saint Petersburg "Gold spotlights" in the nomination "The Best Male Role in Opera Performance" (Pinkerton in "Madam Batterflay", statement Petrov Alexander on the Zazerkalye theater scene). Since 2013 appears on stage of Saint Petersburg State budget cultural institution "Mikhaylovsky theater", performing tenor parts in J. Verdi's operas, J. Puccini, Chaykovsky P. I. and Asafyev B. V..

Nyaga Aleksey
Yordanov Andrian
Arndt Roman
Paskalis Kostas
Skotto Renate
University Sofia
Main activity:Science and education