It is authorized to what higher education institutions to let out physicians

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It is authorized to what higher education institutions to let out physicians

V Ministry of Health commented on a question of opening of medical faculties in versatile higher education institutions, transfers .

In the answer to deputy inquiry in department explained that in spite of the fact that over the last 5 years the need for medical shots decreased by 32%, the health care branch still has deficiency of medical shots. Today deficiency makes 2840po to unoccupied established posts (according to preliminary data statisticians for 01.01.2018) the part from which was created due to annual natural departure of shots (2,6% of total number of medical shots).


Today fill need for shots with the highest education 5 state medical schools (The Kazakh national medical university of S. D. Asfendiyarov, Medical university Astana, Карагандинский state medical university, the State medical university Semey, the West Kazakhstan state medical university of a name of Marat Ospanov), 2 non-state higher education institutions (The Kazakhstan-Russian medical university, the Southern Kazakhstan medical academy), 4 faculties as a part of the versatile organizations of education (The international Kazakh-Turkish university of a name A. Yasavi, Kazakh national university named after al- Farabi, Bolashak Academy, the Caspian public university), having licenses for educational activity on medical specialties.

For 2018-2019 academic year the state educational order on training of specialists with the highest education on medical specialties is provided by

in number of 2700 places, from them on clinical specialties of 2500 places (the general medicine, stomatology, pediatrics) and on not clinical specialties - 200 places (pharmacy, public health care, nurse business). Thus, the annual number of applicants for medical specialties averages from 15000 to 20 000 people.

the reception Analysis in medical HIGHER EDUCATION INSTITUTIONS shows that competition on medical specialties annually traditionally remains, so in 2017 competition on 1 place in "Stomatology" made 15,24 on the Kazakh office, 17,0 on Russian-speaking office, "Pharmacy" - 9,6 and 5,35; "The general medicine" - 3,1 and 1,7, respectively. In 2017 following the results of competitions the highest lowest passing scores were determined by medical specialties: stomatology (131 points), pharmacy (130 points), public health care (129 points), general medicine (128 points), pediatrics (126 points).

"At the same time, existing material base of medical schools (PPS, a place in hostels, educational literature, etc.) is insufficient for realization full educational and clinical preparation being trained and, respectively, leads to decrease in quality of provided educational services and to discrepancy to qualifying standards when licensing educational activity. In this regard, opening of medical faculties at other versatile universities will give the chance to provide the corresponding conditions for preparation of medical shots, and also will promote interdisciplinary interaction and creation of new specialties, such as the IT technician, the IT geneticist, etc. besides, it will allow to improve security with medical shots of regions and to resolve a staff deficit issue in regions", - reported in Ministry of Health.

In department noted that an example of versatile universities which part medical faculties are, AOO" Nazarbayev university", Kazakh national university named after al- Farabi, the International Kazakh-Turkish university of name A.Yasavi, Bolashak Academy, the Caspian public university are.

"For today following the results of allowing controls Committee on control in the sphere of educations and sciences of Ministry science and education of Republic of Kazakhstan Kokshetausky state university of a name of Sh. Ualikhanov and Северо-Казахстанский state university named after M. Kozybaeva a poluchililitsenziya on educational activity in "The general medicine". Representatives of Ministry RK health care. Process of training of students of medical schools irrespective of a form of preparation is carried out on the basis of the State obligatory standards of medical educations Kazakhstan, approved by the ministry", - reported in the ministry zdravookhraneniya.
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