Within celebration of the 50 anniversary of RTsNK to Congo the chorus of "Credo" acted

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In June of this year Representation federal agency for Commonwealth of Independent States, Compatriots living abroad, and on International humanitarian cooperation in Republic of Congo (Department of Brazzaville) carried out a cycle of the actions devoted to celebration of the 50 anniversary of creation of RTsNK in Department of Brazzaville among which the concert of the first-class Congolese choral collective "Kredo" repeatedly in recent years acting in RTsNK.<"11>" as


But this time chorus prepared the special program with execution of popular works of the Russian composers, among which the aria from the opera "Eugene Onegin", "Katyushcha", "Kalinka", "Road long" to Congo. The chorus celebrated significant date repeated execution of a refrain in Russian "Happy birthday, RTsNK! "

At a concert there was a member who has arrived to celebrations of Presidium International union of public association "Rossiyskaya association mezhdunarodnogo sotrudnichestva" (RAMS), the mayor "Star city", the space pilot Tokarev V., the ambassador Russian Federation to Congo Mikhaylov V. A., the staff of Embassy Russian Federation and the Russian center of science and culture to Congo, foreign diplomats accredited at Congo, and also simply fans of music.

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