In China professional tasters of wine began to lack

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Against prompt expansion of the Chinese wine market arose in recent years huge demand for professional tasters of wine. About it transfers online edition "DV-ROSS" with reference to information agency "Sinkhua".

Hughes Stephen who within 15 years operated vinodelnyami to France, is impressed with steady sales of wine in China. According to him, China buys wine of average and quality worldwide, and inhabitants of the country accept it better, than he could assume.

As one of sponsors and vice-chairmen of the Chinese association of the Xi wine associations reported to

Caen, in 2017 China imported 746 million liters of wine that is nearly 17 percent more, than year before. It allowed the country to become most quickly growing and fifth largest market of wine in the world.

"Young Chinese love wine. They consider wine useful to health and are able to afford it to drink. You can see them with wine glasses at restaurants" — Hughes Stephen told.

Growth of the wine market led

to increase in demand at tasters of the wine which profession is entered in the list of 140 specialties demanding the state certification.

Professor and the assistant to the dean of Institute of sciences about life of Northwest pedagogical university Kong Weibao in 2008 brought in an educational program an elective course under the name "Enologiya and Culture of Wine", aimed at promoting of knowledge of wine.

First occupations were visited by some students, now not to find an empty seat in audience. According to Kong Weibao, his course was taken by more than 2000 students for what some of them had to wait two years.


Though the majority of students choose a course from interest, there are also those who in the future would like to become professional tasters of wine.

"Wine tasting — very interesting work. If I have a chance, I would like to learn more about it" — the senior student of university Ma Yankhun told.

More and more private educational institutions in China are used by opportunities for businesses, existing in the wine industry. They offer various training courses on the wine tasting which cost fluctuates ranging from 120 to 1600 US dollars.

the Employee of Tasting Annex, one of such companies, Zeng Jing noted that the wine industry now is on lifting, and experts in the sphere of tasting of wine are widely demanded in such areas as education, wine production, marketing, hotel business and others.

"In recent years the contingent of the people, wishing to receive qualification of the taster of wine or addressing for council, any more is not limited to workers of the wine industry. Growing number of students of the higher education institutions coming to us, simply are interested in wine or realize prospects of developments wine branch" — Zeng Jing noted.

Xi Kang emphasized that the generation of Chinese of the 80-90th years aspires to a healthy and high-quality way of life, possesses "bigger ability to training and follows more perfect model of consumption". It, he is sure, will promote further increase in demand for wine.
