Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation will be specified by what exactly it is meant espionage equipment

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Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation will specify treatment of the term "the special technical means intended for secret obtaining information" in the Criminal code and Federal law of the Russian Federation of 30 December 2001 No. 195-FZ "On the Code on Administrative Offences of the Russian Federation". About it writes daily business newspaper "RBK daily" with reference to the project, published on a federal portal of drafts of regulations.
In Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation specified that now value of the term "the special technical means intended for secret obtaining information", in the federal legislation is not opened, thus there is a need for fixing of value of this term.
to the President Vladimir Putin on press conferences at the end of December, 2017 reported about the Kurgan farmer Yevgeniy Vasilyev whom accused of illegal acquisition of special technical means. Staff of Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation found a microphone which can be included remotely in a tracker. As Yevgeniy Vasilyev in interview to the edition of independent online newspaper "ZNAK.COM" told earlier, he bought the device on AliExpress to watch a calf.
Vladimir Putin during press conferences declared that "does not know that there is such article" on which accused the farmer." To cats, I know, even screw GPS and GLONASS. It is necessary to adjust somehow it, I will try to make it", - the head of state promised. After that Yevgeniy Vasilyev returned business to Prosecutor's office Lebyazhie district Kurgan region. Later prosecutor's office apologized before the farmer, Yevgeniy Vasilyev accepted apologies.

Source: informational and analytical agency "TelecomDaily"