Stars and soccer brought the American professor into KFU

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Scientific of Colombian university cities New York Marseille Agueros addressed as

with lecture astronomers and got acquainted with observatory and planetarium.

Kazansky federal university professor visited Colombian university cities New York Marseille Agueros.

Everything began

with that the astrophysicist of one of the most known and prestigious universities of United States of America wrote the letter to the director of Astronomical observatory of a name of W.P. Engelgardt Instituta of physics of KFU Nefedyev Youri with a request to visit in days passing in Russian Federation the FIFA World Cup on which it arrived, observatory of the Kazan federal university.

Acquaintance to KFU was not limited to travel to country observatory where her director conducted tour for the American guest. Before there going, professor Colombian university cities New York held on June 15 a seminar for students, graduate students and teachers of chair of astronomy and space geodesy of Institute of physics of KFU. During it Marseille Agueros made as the report in English "Use of the Palomarsky review of scattered congestions for fixation of stages of star evolution". Participants of an astronomical seminar literally filled up with questions astrophysics, the scientist in detail answered everyone.

"Questions which were asked by young astronomers, allowed me to draw a conclusion that your students and graduate students perfectly understand a problem of evolution of stars. They understood everything about what I told them. I am very happy with a meeting and that to me was succeeded to get acquainted with researches of the Kazan astronomers", - noted after a seminar Marseille Agueros.

About scientific activity of employees, graduate students and students of chair of astronomy and space geodesy, including about work on Russian Federal Property Fund grants, the scientist from United States of America learned, communicating with the head of the department, professor of KFU Bikmaev Ilfan which accompanied it during acquaintance to university.


"Especially I was interested by the scientific results received by Kolbin Alexander , - the American astrophysicist told. - He learned to recreate on curves of gloss and star ranges an arrangement of spots on its surface. For this purpose the young astronomer developed a complex of programs by means of which makes calculations. Scientists of our group in New York are not able to do it yet. I want to note especially that we are open for cooperation with the Kazan university".

the desire to visit in days of the FIFA World Cup the capital Republic of Tatarstan and KFU Marseille Agueros explained so:

" I arrived To Kazan on soccer. My mother - the Frenchwoman, and the father - the Puerto-Rican. When I from Internet sources learned that at the Kazan university go in for astronomy, there is the observatory, there was a thought to communicate to the Kazan astronomers. It is very glad to that began acquaintance to Russian Federation and Saint Petersburg".

the Trip to AOE of W.P. Engelgardt, organized for Agueros her director, became a final point of visit to KFU. "As here it is beautiful! " - the American exclaimed delightfully, having appeared in the observatory territory. Its attention was drawn by the sundial made on the project Nefedyev Youri; the astrophysicist noticed that anything similar yet did not see. Not less Colombian university cities New York the ancient astronomical tools shown to it impressed the scientist: meridian circle and telescope refractor. The guest from United States of America was surprised that, how long pursue science about stars at the Kazan university – the chair of astronomy was created in 1810. He reported that at Colombian university cities New York training of astronomers is conducted only 50 years though the university was founded in 1754. In the territory Colombian university cities New York constructed observatory about 110 years ago, but systematic training of astronomers then yet was not.

it is interesting to

that Marseille Agueros accepted the decision to become the astronomer when visited radio observatory to Puerto Rico:

"I since the childhood was interested in astronomy, unfortunately, at that school where I studied, it did not teach. In college I began to visit an astronomy course. But I resolved to become an astronomer only after I happened to visit radio-astronomical observatory to Puerto Rico. There I could learn how there work and live astronomers. The seen made on me such strong impression that I understood that too I want to devote myself to this science".

Professor of office of astronomy Colombian university cities New York New York Marseille Agueros admitted that is happy because does favorite thing which gives the chance to it to travel and communicate with different people. "I got to FGAOU IN "KAZANSKY (PRIVOLZHSKY) FEDERAL UNIVERSITY", FGAOU IN KFU, KFU, KAZANSKIY FEDERAL UNIVERSITY, KAZAN UNIVERSITY, KAZAN (VOLGA) FEDERAL UNIVERSITY thanks to astronomy and soccer, and very much to it is glad! " - the scientist told at parting, going on World Cup matches to Samara.

Author: Larisa Busil