More than 60 thousand fans looked in Rostov at a match Brazil - Switzerland

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Volkov Igor

in Rostov took place Yesterday a long-awaited first match of the World Cup between Brazil and Switzerland. At Rostov Arena stadium it watched more of 41 thousand people , and in the fan zone on Theatre Square of an order of 20 thousand fans .

In flowers of a Brazilian team many residents of Rostov came to a match. The photo Aleksey Borisovich Timoshenko

Rostov lives soccer some days: the first tourists began to arrive to our city still on June 14. The residents of Rostov who have come to organized on Theatre Square the fan zone to look at a match of opening Russian Federation — Saudi Arabia, with surprise found groups of fans in flowers combined Brazil.


Addressing journalists in the press center "Rostov Arena" on June 16, the first deputy governor Guskov Igor noted that to Rostov already there arrived about 15 thousand foreigners, and in day of game about 30 thousand guests were expected. Stay, according to Mr. Guskov Igor, and redeemed the majority of places at stadium.

of the Photo Aleksey Borisovich Timoshenko

Certainly, the superiority in strength of Brazilians in the city was felt. Them as a result there arrived about 20 thousand (according to one of fans), in the majority the of State of Rio de Janeiro. And this with the fact that voyage through the half-world with stay to Russian Federation manages to representatives of this country in 20, and even 30 thousand dollars!

Swisses, according to the embassy of this country which has developed improvised place of acceptance at the corner of Big of Garden and Voroshilovsky, officially issued 7 thousand Fan-ID, and to Rostov arrived about 1 thousand registered fans. But here it must be kept in mind, what not to all has the luck to buy tickets, and many went to a way with hope to get them on a place, and even at all wishing to look at a match of a favorite team on the big screen the fan zone.

the Swiss fans and as well as football players were well trained by

On Saturday fans "acclimatized", having occupied the majority of cafe and bars of the downtown and, especially, the embankment. By the way, judging by their responses, information on sharp rise in prices for removable housing nevertheless does not find full confirmation. However, some guests stopped not in most Rostov, and in nearby regions, for example, in Krasnodar Territory and even to Stavropol Territory. People travel big groups and even the whole families numbering on 3 generations of fans!

IMG_9058.jpg In beauty, originality and a positive of Brazilians cannot be changed
. Aleksey Borisovich Timoshenko

In day of a match in the city the real carnival which centers there were Theatre Square and, certainly, the left coast of Don and stadium began a photo. And here the victory was won, of course, by the Brazilians who have struck all with colourful dresses (that only there is a group of fans in suits of flavovirent dinosaurs! ) and musical and dancing numbers. And the Brazilian football federation did not lag behind: in the press center journalists were given the smart souvenir sets issued in national colors of this South American country.

of the Photo Aleksey Borisovich Timoshenko

the Match are expected by

IMG_9093.jpg and city manager Vitaly Kushnarev. Brazil was represented the ambassador Louis Antonio by Espínola Salgado, the president of federation of soccer of fivefold world champions, and also the minister of sports. Still on June 16 to Rostov the president Switzerland Alain Berse arrived. By the beginning of a match there arrived the president of FIFA Janne Infantino. From VIP football were noticed the legendary Brazilian forward 1990 - h - the 2000th Ronaldo's beginnings and the Swiss goalkeeper Pascal Zuberbühler known in the past.

Blank spaces at stadium were, but it did not rush from an eye. Photos Aleksey Borisovich Timoshenko

In a stadium bowl obviously dominated yellow Brazilian jerseys. The compact group of Swisses was on the southern tribune, on a place of fan sector JOINT-STOCK COMPANY FC "ROSTOV" (by the way, the trainer of residents of Rostov Karpin Valery made comments on game for the First channel). The full notice did not happen — on a match was present as it was declared in the second time, it is slightly more than 41 thousand audience at capacity in 45 thousand.

Those who watched a match on Theatre Square which contains about 20 thousand people, reported that at the height of a match the admission in a zone were compelled to stop because of its perepolnennost.

the Last penalty at gate combined Switzerland did not justify hopes of Brazilians. Photos Aleksey Borisovich Timoshenko

Upon termination of a match fans stretched to the city. The correspondent of N did not notice especially rough night festivities. Brazilians obviously stayed in minor mood after sensational a draw (1:1), and Swisses, probably, was not so much that their pleasure was noticeable.

Big soccer was similar to a carnival. Photo Aleksey Borisovich Timoshenko

Absolutely unexpectedly in the downtown arose in the dead of night big group of fans in celestial-blue t-shirts. These are fans of the national team Uruguay profits to Rostov in three days prior to the game against Saudi Arabia, and it means that the football holiday in the Don capital proceeds!

of the Photo Aleksey Borisovich Timoshenko

Vasily Golubev
Last position: Governor (Government of the Rostov region)
Ronaldu Louis Nazariu di Lima (Ronaldo)
Last position: Owner, president (FC "Real Province of Valladolid")
Pascal Tsuberbyuler
Last position: Coordinator of goalkeepers (FIFA)
Valery Karpin
Last position: Head coach (JOINT-STOCK COMPANY FC "ROSTOV")
Alain Berse
Last position: Head of department (Ministry of Internal Affairs of Swiss Confederation)
Main activity:Culture and sports
Brazilian confederation of soccer
Main activity:Culture and sports