The prime minister declares Japan desire to go to the third term in July

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the Prime minister Japan Shinzo Abe declares
the participation in September elections of the chairman of ruling Liberal democratic party at the end of July. The victory on them will provide to the politician the third premier term.

"I will make the decision on the promotion when to Tokyo cicadas" loudly chirr, - declared Shinzo Abe on air of the Yomiuri TV channel.

the Japanese meteorological agency quickly counted

that this time drops out for July 21.

Ratings of Shinzo Abe at the moment stiffened around a mark of 38 percent. Level of support of the acting prime minister in the country though slowly, but steadily creeps down. The population thus reacts to development scandal with construction of school by the educational company "Moritomo gakuen" in Prefecture of Osaka. As it appeared, the close friend of the prime minister bought a site under building at seriously cut price. The opposition assures that Shinzo Abe and his spouse Akie rendered personal protection the project.

At the same time Shinzo Abe try to gather points on a foreign policy field. He is full of enthusiasm in attempts to put in motion the solution of questions, achieve success in which any of his predecessors on a premier post could not.

It is a question of the conclusion of peace contracts with Russian Federation. confidential dialogue with President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin managed to adjust Shinzo Abe. The top officials of the states already held 21 personal meetings. In September the head of the Japanese government will go to Vladivostok where will take part in East Economic Forum (EEF) work. The parties put certain efforts to joint economic activity (JEA) start on the southern Kuril Islands. As believe in Tokyo, it will create prerequisites for settlement tervoprosa about Russian Federation in the future.

Against activization of political processes on the Korean peninsula the Japanese prime minister declared
Kim Jong-un. At the beginning of August in Singapore negotiations of heads of foreign policy departments Japan and North Korea Taro Kono and Li Yon Kho can already take place. If heads of the Ministries of Foreign Affairs manage to find a common ground, summit will not keep itself waiting long.

the Local press notes that Shinzo Abe and Kim Jong-un can communicate in Russian Vladivostok on fields VEF. Both leaders are invited to action. The territory of the third country is extremely convenient for contacts of this sort.


it is not excluded that Shinzo Abe will be made by independent visit to North Korea. Such option also is studied in Ministry of foreign affairs of Japan.