The head of the republic scarified inaction of the Ombudsman for Children and demanded to deal in the history with the minor pregnant girl

@Gazeta "Joshkar-Ola"
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Alexander Aleksandrovich Yevstifeev held a working meeting with the Representative at Chapter of Mari El Republic by the rights of the child Burdo Eugenie where discussed work of institute of the Ombudsman for Children to Mari El Republic for the first quarter of the current year, separately Alexander Aleksandrovich Yevstifeev stopped on history with the 13-year-old pregnant girl from Medvedevo district.

the Head of the republic took an interest in

when to the ombudsman this fact became known, and demanded from the Representative to understand in this situation.
"You say that learned about the incident on June 8, and to physicians this fact was known already on May 30. How you so work, in what contact are with Ministry health care Mari El Republic, what 10 days such scandalous thing, and nobody told you? ", – took an interest Chapter Mari El Republic. Alexander Aleksandrovich Yevstifeev pointed br to the ombudsman to absence of accurate rules in work on interaction between the interested ministries and departments, and also guardianship and guardianship bodies in a child protection question. "I give br to you some days on that you understood that occurred and why, and reported on me on updating of the procedural rules of work in order that interests and the rights of the child in the republic were protected perfectly in full", – Alexander Aleksandrovich Yevstifeev finished Chapter Mari El Republic. the Head of the region emphasized with br need of timely and rapid response of the Ombudsman for Children for similar situations.