Medvedevo district Country: Russian FederationViews0+0 last weekSubscribers0+0 last weekRegion News0+0 last weekWatchShareMedia Score: LowAt us this year, in this environment (Medvedev's area - a comment. TASS) third ignition. [Reason] human factorAt us this year, in this environment (Medvedev's area - a comment. TASS) third ignition. [Reason] human factor8/20/2021Alexander Aleksandrovich YevstifeevFunds are allocated from reserve fund of the Governments of the republic, administration of Medvedev's area and a city administration of Ioshkar Ola. Any spontaneous whip-round it is not required. Therefore I ask you: let's themselves deceive8/23/2021Alexander Aleksandrovich YevstifeevAt us this year, in this environment (Medvedev's area - a comment. TASS) third ignition. [Reason] human factorAt us this year, in this environment (Medvedev's area - a comment. TASS) third ignition. [Reason] human factor8/20/2021Alexander Aleksandrovich YevstifeevFunds are allocated from reserve fund of the Governments of the republic, administration of Medvedev's area and a city administration of Ioshkar Ola. Any spontaneous whip-round it is not required. Therefore I ask you: let's themselves deceive8/23/2021Alexander Aleksandrovich YevstifeevAt us this year, in this environment (Medvedev's area - a comment. TASS) third ignition. [Reason] human factorAt us this year, in this environment (Medvedev's area - a comment. TASS) third ignition. [Reason] human factor8/20/2021Alexander Aleksandrovich Yevstifeev1258Region News+4 last weekHead of administration of the area since 2015Denise OkulovMedia Score: LowHead of administration of the area since 2015Denise Okulov8:57:09 AMGMT+312RUS+78362Dialing code107Connections+11 last weekPopulation68 082NewsConnections Tree
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