In anticipation of Day of the medical worker celebration of the best representatives of branch of health care took place

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B Petrozavodsk took place the festive event devoted to Day of the medical worker.

representatives of healthcare institutions of the republic, bodies gathered In National theater Republic of Karelia executive and legislature, representatives of the public, veterans of health care.

of Participants of a celebration State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation welcomed Chapter Republic of Karelia Arthur Parfenchikov, the deputy Pivnenko Valentina, the chairman of Legislative assembly of the Republic of Karelia Shandalovich Elissan, the Minister of Health of Republic of Karelia Shvets Marina, and also the veteran of health care heading the ministry in the 70-80th years, Derzhavina Nadezhda.

- I Want to tell

words of gratitude for service to people to all 15-thousand group of doctors, nurses, the medical personnel. The medical profession demands not only knowledge, abilities and qualification, but also return of soul, heart, all itself. I wish good luck, progress and grateful patients, - the Head of the republic addressed to heroes of the occasion.

In the performance Arthur Parfenchikov noted that today to Republic of Karelia the modern medical centers equipped with the latest equipment, medical assistant's and obstetric points are under construction. The new system of the organization of medical care is fulfilled, the special attention is paid to early diagnostics of diseases and routing of patients.

Shvets Marina reminded that 2018 – year of century Ministry health care Republic of Karelia. In January, 1918 the resolution of executive committee of Olonets provincial Council of country, working and soldier's deputies on education a medical and sanitary commissariat which became a prototype of present public authority in the health protection sphere is accepted. For all history of Ministry of Health it 19 organizers of health care directed.

the Minister warmly congratulated gathered, having thanked them for honest work, mercy to patients, compassion, high professionalism and responsibility.

Within a festive event the state awards of Republic of Karelia, awards of Legislative assembly of the Republic of Karelia, departmental awards Ministry health care Republic of Karelia are handed over to the best workers of health care.

Special value for any medical worker the assessment of his work by patients therefore in anticipation of Day of the medical worker Ministry health care Republic of Karelia suggested inhabitants of the republic to express gratitude to medical workers for their work has

. Less than in two weeks in the ministry more than 200 addresses with gratitude words to medical workers arrived. The greatest number of kind responses are turned to the doctor to the oncologist of Interdistrict hospital No. 1 (Kostomuksha) to Kravchenko Natalia.

the Official part of a holiday proceeded performances of creative collectives Petrozavodsk and numbers of amateur performances which were prepared for colleagues by employees of the medical organizations of the republic.