Judges of Prikamye and State of Lower Saxony will consult on a video conferencing

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: the press service of the governor and Government of Perm Territory
Today, on June 15, the governor Perm Territory Maxime Reshetnikov met delegation of judges State of Lower Saxony (Germany). The parties discussed cooperation questions in the area of judicial authority.

Opening I will meet, the governor noted that in recent years the judicial system of Prikamye made a big step forward.

— Regional court of Perm achieved good results in a question of digitalizations justice systems: the system of electronic justice is entered. In recent years there were the high-quality changes, essential investments were from the state — Maxime Reshetnikov emphasized.

according to the presiding judge of judicial board on civil cases of the Supreme land vessels Braunschweig mister Brand Oliver, Perm Territory and State of Lower Saxony achieved the greatest interaction in economy spheres, digitalizations, health care, ecology and justices.

— In Perm Territory administrative legal proceedings strongly develop. The following direction – juvenile justice. Experience State of Lower Saxony in this area was used in Perm Territory, but it is important that it was adapted and processed, the best technologies are taken — Brand Oliver noted.

the idea to carry out video conferencing sessions between vessels of regions appeared

Following the results of a meeting. It is supposed that judges will be able to discuss topical issues in an online mode.

— the Most important that we now are not afraid to speak each other about existing questions and problems, and we together find them solutions — the chairman of Regional court of Perm Vladimir Nikolaevich Velyaninov speaks.

the Ministry of Justice of the Bottom Saxony, Regional court of Perm, Agency on affairs of world judges Perm Territory, judicial districts Perm and the cities State of Lower Saxony for many years interact in the justice sphere, in the field of the right and legal proceedings, in development questions mediativny technologies and protection of the rights and interests of children.

we Will remind

, at the beginning of June business mission Perm Territory to State of Lower Saxony took place. Purpose of visit was to submit the program of economic, industrial and investment potential of the region. One of results of the held meetings became the arrangement about carrying out for interaction teachers of the I International educational program with foreign students.