Double incorrectness

@Ekran i stsena
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A.BELITsKOGO photo Small scene RAMTA is transformed this time to the narrow extended space with four spectator rows and a close strip of a scene. On a deaf black back some black paper rolls which have been used up in English by small handwriting are attached, on a floor round black (again black) the piano and everywhere, is scattered a set of the crumpled pieces of paper – here and Votyakov Aleksey to the performance "Two Gentlemen of Verona" according to the play of the same name Shekspir William, the put Stankevich Mikhail. The black-and-white world of comic and serious passions is ascetic, but the surprising score of light there are not enough impregnations of other flowers: dim and bright, deaf and shrill.
"Two Gentlemen of Verona" – the romantic comedy, one of early plays Shekspir William. The majority of literary critics consider it far from perfect that, probably, affected its not really happy scenic destiny.
From the Soviet past – only performance Simonova Eugenia 1952 at Theater named after Yevgeniya Vakhtangova where Vladimir Abramovich Etush brilliantly debuted. Lance's role laid the foundation him to successful career. After "Verontsa" appeared on a theatrical stage infrequently and only in repertoire of provincial troupes. Therefore in RAMTE it is possible to call the Moscow premiere an event not only from the art point of view, but also with theatrical and historical. Stankevich Mikhail inhales new life in the play, starting, on the one hand, mechanisms habitual for Shakespearean comedies, and with another – building a fresh foreshortening of perception of familiar collisions and the conflicts. It is a question not only of high human feelings, but also of moral values: friendship, fidelity in love.
Stankevich Mikhail already undertook Shekspir William five years ago at Theatre under the direction of Oleg Pavlovich Tabakov. The performance "Twelfth Night", contrary to a ramtovsky premiere, was similar to a colourful stained-glass window: that the scene powdered with bright red flickering sand cost at least. But if visually "Verontsa" turned out absolutely others, a key to reading of both comedies after all the general: Shekspir William through a prism of a clownery, buffoonery and an impromptu.
the Director stakes not simply on actors, but on their powerful weapon – energy of youth. Everything are young here, except Milansky Gertsog (inimitable Blokhin Aleksey). And exactly a half taken directed by actors – graduates of a last year Borodin Aleksey in GITIS, accepted in theater troupe a year ago. They are young, beautiful and desperate, as well as Shakespearean heroes. Events are developed by br at all at arm's length: if it is stretched by the viewer of the first row – it can easily appear in performance. For Stankevich Mikhail chamber platforms (the Snuffbox cellar, the Small scene of Theatre on Small Bronna) are habitual, but such rapprochement of scenic action and the viewer probably yet was not. The actor's task becomes complicated also lack of scenery. To be covered there is nothing: only close up and promptly changing diagonal stage settings, they strengthen dynamics of the events even more and emphasize that fact that "all run, fly and skip". Madam with the servant violently fight pillows; "terrible" robbers in black paper masks helmets boss paper rolls, as if swords; lovers desperately love each other, having pulled on itself blanket covers, and any of characters can scramble suddenly under a ceiling or start writing down ingenious thought on rolls. The passion and sensuality rend the air. The poetry has something in common with prose, including with prose of today's life. "You that hit me, the boy? " – Proteus (Fomin Denise) addresses to the deceived beloved disguised as the boy Julia (Ilyina Marianna).
the Most interesting stage settings in performance where there are silent explanations. Whether it be inventive pantomime of the servant of AIDS (Zommerfeld Vladimir) or prolonged farewell of two friends-verontsev of Valentin (Gayduchik Georgy) and Proteus. They, as two magnets, not capable to make a start, come off: pat, embrace, play the fool, charge with one another a shoulder, cannot long disperse. Such friendship. Such brotherly bonds. They will help to overcome hatred after treachery: sincerely to forgive one and to repent to another. Many consider an outcome "Verontsev" psychologically unjustified: too all quickly, is crumpled, not really. Double incorrectness – no laughing matter. And, as if entering invisible dialogue with sceptics, the director takes a step in the direction of the alternative final. Valentin kills Proteus … But – no, only in thoughts! "A lot of things exist, the friend Horatio, as did not dream our wise men".

Berdichevskaya Svetlana

of the Photo Belitsky A.
"The screen and a scene"
No. 11 for 2018.
Oleg Pavlovich Tabakov
Main activity:Official
Aleksey Borodin
Last position: Artistic director (RAMT)
Aleksey Blokhin
Last position: Actor (RAMT)
Denise Fomin
Last position: Actor