Centrists together with Isamaa and EKRE want to raise penalties from Language inspection for not owning Estonian by 10 times — to 6400 euros!

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Centrists together with Isamaa and EKRE want to raise penalties from Language inspection for not owning Estonian by 10 times — to 6400 euros!
the Screenshot from Riygikogu's site

Riygikogu's Some members from fractions of parties Isamaa, EKRE, and also reformist and centrist parties became initiators of the bill of changes in the Law on the language, penalties providing growth for insufficient level of proficiency in Estonian language. Authors of the project assure of the explanatory note that the similar measure is urged to motivate heads of establishments and businessmen it is better to watch for performance of the Law on language their subordinates.

it is symbolical that the bill has number 666 SE.

Among other under the document there are, for example, signatures of the deputy centrists Karilayd Yaanus and Myarta Sultsa. The first was not noticed in advances with Russian-speaking electorate, moreover — regularly publicly and sharply criticized the odnopartiyka, the favourite of the non Estonian voter to Iana Toom. But here the second — the former teacher and the director of Art school in the capital area Copley, on the contrary, on elections received a fair share of support from not aboriginals of the country, including probably and from those workers of public sector whom in the future Language inspection will be able to punish for unlearned Estonian more rigidly.


On behalf of Party of reforms one of initiators of the bill became Gryazin Igor.