The majority of the oldest and large African baobabs was lost for the last 12 years

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One of the best-known African baobabs who was in Botswana, was called by name the hunter Chapman James. The tree had six trunks to the oldest of which was about 1400. On January 7, 2016 all trunks at the same time fell to the ground and a tree was lost.

A.Patrut et al

. / Nature Plants, 2018

the Oldest African baobabs perish for the unknown reason, is reported in Nature Plants . As researchers write, for the last 12 years in whole or in part was lost nine of 13 of the oldest and five of six largest trees. Scientists assume that climate change became a possible cause of death of trees.

the African baobabs (Adansonia digitata ) — one of the biggest and long-living floral trees who grow in savannas between the 16th degree northern and the 26th degree of southern latitude. At the thickest and old trees diameter reaches eight meters, and height — 25 meters. Baobabs can live almost up to two thousand years. During a season of rains they accumulate moisture in a trunk and spend it in a droughty season. Wood of baobabs is loved by elephants, they eat it and at the same time satisfy thirst; and monkeys willingly regale on fruits of baobabs. People use leaves, seeds and fruits in food, of bark do fiber, and of it — ropes, bags and clothes.

B 2005 the Romanian, South African and American researchers under the leadership of Adrian Patrut (Adrian Patrut) from Babesh-Boyai university started looking for and investigating the oldest baobabs. Many old baobabs in the center of trunks have cavities which are formed because of infection with a fungoid infection, because of fires or them elephants eat away. Scientists found high and large trees and collected wood samples from different parts of a trunk and from internal cavities and dated them by means of the radio-carbon analysis. In total they studied more than 60 old trees in different parts Africa.

It appeared

that many large and old trees consist of 3-8 trunks which have grown at different times. Between them the empty space in the form of a ring or an ellipse which in process of growth of trunks disappears at ground level is formed. According to researchers, this feature is inherent only in baobabs. But besides authors of article found out that from 2005 to 2017 nine of 13 oldest and five and six largest baobabs were lost. It occurred suddenly: some trunks separated from the remained tree and fell to the ground, sometimes at the same time. Four oldest trees (the old was about 2 450 years old) were lost completely. All of them were in the south Africa — to South Africa, Namibia, Botswana, Zimbabwe. Scientists note that the death of baobabs resulted not from epidemic, probably, it was caused by climatic changes which, including, affected South Africa. But that to be convinced of it, are necessary additional issledovaniya.


the Baobab Chapman James right after sudden falling. It is visible that the tree hurt, trunks and branches are not broken and not touched by rotting.

A.Patrut et al

. / Nature Plants, 2018

Raneye climatologists found out that delay of evaporation of water from leaves of tropical trees which will happen in response to increase of concentration of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, can make climate change asymmetric. In Amazonia becomes land, than now, and, for example, to Indonesia, on the contrary, the amount of precipitation will grow.

Rusakova Catherina