The Mongolian archeologists found more than 270 ancient artifacts
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Artefacts of the VI-VII centuries the Mongolian archeologists in the territory somona Bayannuur found Bulgan. The head of archaeological expedition A. Ochir reported today about it on press conferences for local mass media.

According to him, works were carried out within the project on historical archaeological studying the Mongolian Bulgan.

This project was realized by the National commission Mongolia for Specialized establishment United Nations concerning education, sciences and cultures, representation Specialized establishment United Nations concerning education, sciences and cultures in Beijing / China the Center of a national cultural heritage Mongolia.

during archaeological investigation in the territory of this aimag more than 270 finds, including 180 graves of ancient Huns, petroglyphic painting, the remains of unique stone idols, stone statues with the Chinese hieroglyphs are revealed. All these finds confirm existence of settlements in this territory in the VI-VII centuries.

"Further archaeological researches are necessary for

for full studying of artifacts. Now finds are processed by experts", - A. Ochir added.