In the Ufa gallery "Miras" the meeting with the artist Nazarov Mikhail Alekseevich will take place

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Ufa, 11 Jun, 2018. /IA "Bashinform", Valeeva Rosalia/.

In the Ufa gallery "Miras" the meeting with the avant-gardist Nazarov Mikhail Alekseevich within exhibitions "My experience" will take place on June 13.

"Let's tell about art. Nazarov Mikhail Alekseevich as the good story-teller, forces the viewer to live together with it development plots which a never-ending stream come to life on formats. But it becomes possible only at acceptance of its "rules of the game": the codes, the ciphered indexes multiplied by author's drawing and own geometry. Like the masterly director, he places stage settings, puts remarks in lips to characters, forces them to move slow gait on the intricate trajectories, often not to the relevant laws of terrestrial gravitation.

In spite of the fact that its subjects very personal, it is similar to photos in a family album, I see in them the relatives, the friends who are simply familiar. Each history is very intimate and, at the same time, is not less frank, as the children's drawing deprived of an ukrashatelstvo and desire to be pleasant. Its works are valuable to me that in them the side between personal and the general is erased, visions images involve me in unique, radical volnodumstvuyushcheye nazarovsky space in which there is a wish to remain to live. It equally belongs both to figurative, and to abstract works of the last years", - Teregulov Ayrat writes to anntotation to a meeting.

meeting Beginning at 18 o'clock.

we Will remind

, in Miras gallery from June 7 to July 7 there takes place exhibition painting Nazarov Mikhail Alekseevich "My experience". Halls of gallery "will blow up" two-meter cloths of the master, new works on his main subjects – destiny of a rural life and the nature in a context of eternal categories of the world. In continuous searches of truth he never was afraid of "difficult couplings", he is severe and simple, and its philosophy can be expressed in one or several picturesque exclamations. According to the theory of "through action" that "appears through" for written on a canvas is important, peculiar "chips from eternity", subject to its courageous brush, is spoken in the description of exhibitions.

Mikhail Nakharov was born

Nazarov Mikhail Alekseevich Republic of Bashkortostan, in a family of the employee.

In 1951 left secondary school in Magnitogorsk and arrived in the Bashkir state art and theatrical school. Teachers – Tyulkin A. E., Laletin B. F.. In 1951-1952 – worked at school as the art teacher.


B 1952 - 1958 – studied at Estonian state art institute (a workshop Kimm I.), in Tallinn. With 1958 lives and works in Ufa.

Member of the Union of artists of the USSR. With 1979 teaches at the Ufa state institute of arts (nowadays UGAI of Z. Ismagilov). Works are stored in meetings of the museums and private collections.