Check point: post of the business ombudsman the ex-minister of Household management company can hold Irkutsk Region Kapitonov Andrey

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Irkutsk Region , 9.06.18 (information agency "Teleinform"), - the Ex-minister of Household management company Kapitonov Andrey can hold Irkutsk Region

according to the organization, Kapitonov Andrey already coordinated the candidate in the device of the ombudsman in Moscow.

Earlier it held a position of the mayor Angarsky of municipal educations. Also Kapitonov Andrey was at a position of the minister of Household management company from October, 2015 to December, 2016. Contract with it then did not prolong, including and therefore that to the official there was a mass of claims from the federal government because of the heating season broken then in Vikhorevka.

we Will remind

, the post of the business ombudsman since the end of December, 2013 was held Moskalenko Aleksey , but in the middle of April, 2018 he retired . The intentions to take a vacant place openly already declared some people: chairman OO of businessmen Irkutsk region Galyautdinov Ildus and head of LLC "BLAGORODNOYE DEREVO" Bragin Dimitri . Also as the applicant the deputy of City thought Irkutsk by Alexander Kvasov , and also the chairman of Irkutsk office "OPORA RUSSIA", the deputy of City thought Irkutsk Yakubovsky Alexander was registered . The candidate Alexander Kvasov actively was advanced by Oblastnoye government, but it was not coordinated by the device of the federal business ombudsman. Besides, numerous complaints on violations at selection of the regional representative there arrived.

Ildus Galyautdinov
Last position: Chairman (Public organization businessmen of the Irkutsk region)
Alexander Yakubovsky
Last position: The deputy, the member of the committee on natural resources, property and the land relations, the member of the commission concerning support of the small and medium entrepreneurship (State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation)
Andrey Petrovich Kapitonov
Last position: CEO (LLC "Tiit")
Moskalenko Aleksey
Bragin Dimitri
Main activity:Activity of public associations and international organizations
Oblastnoye government
Government Agency