Foreign Ministers North Korea and Singapore discussed preparation for the forthcoming summit North Korea and United States of America
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Ministers of Foreign Affairs North Korea and Singapore on Thursday discussed preparation for the forthcoming summit North Korea and United States of America. About it on Friday reported Tsentralnoye telegrafnoye agency Koreas / to TsTAK/.

This first mention official mass media North Korea about the forthcoming meeting between the Supreme leader North Korea Kim Jong-un and President of the United States Donald Trump which is planned for June 12 in Singapore.

"At negotiations the Minister of Foreign Affairs North Korea Li Yon Kho and his Singapore colleague Viviane Balakrishnan exchanged

detailed opinions on further development the relations of friendship and cooperation between two countries with an old story and traditions, and also on a situation in anticipation of the summit North Korea and United States of America", - reported Tsentralnoye telegrafnoye agency Koreas.

Viviane Balakrishnan on Thursday arrived to Pyongyang. As expected, its meeting with Kim Jong-un will take place on Friday.