Traditions of the small homeland. Gluboksky lakes 

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Makeeva Anastasia, correspondent of CTB:<"10>"
Blue-eyed edge Belarus. There are more than 100 lakes! Than they are famous, we learn from locals and fishermen.

Levkovich Eugenie:
Fishing was from time immemorial, as a rule, networks, rods. Even earlier winter fishing was famous. It with a seine.

Karandey Gennady: Here fish it is a lot of br: ishchuka, and carp.

So the Gluboksky edge not only yes cherry, but also fish is famous for condensed milk for

! And first of all people, fishermen yes handicraftsmen!

This sculpture represents the ancestor glubochan – the wise old man singing of beauty of local lakes. By the way, the father and the grandfather of the well-known writer Green Alexander a sort from Glubochchina and who knows, probably, in the childhood they told it fairy tales about scarlet sails.

Alexander Khaynovsky, senior research associate of the Gluboksky historical and ethnographic museum:
the Gluboksky area received the name, most likely, from the lake which is behind my back, Deep. In 1414 for the first time in ancient chronicles it is mentioned the settlement which settled down on the bank of the small lake. Recently it became valid the vacation spot, walks because there were beautiful paths, the avenue of newlyweds .

there is to Belarus the Baikal. The lake Long is famous not only the most deep water in the country – 53, 7 meters, but also crystal-clear water.

What are the most fish places? What mystical beings were seen earlier by locals in Glubochchina's lakes? Learn, having looked at the video record.

Alexander Khaynovsky
Main activity:Official
Makeeva Anastasia
Levkovich Eugenie
Karandey Gennady
Green Alexander