Vyacheslav Volodin told about possible visit to North Korea

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the Speaker of State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation Vyacheslav Volodin told

about the received invitation to visit North Korea, having added that does not exclude possibility of visit. Earlier sources wrote that the North Korean leader Kim Jong-un and President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin can meet in Vladivostok in September.

the Speaker of State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation Vyacheslav Volodin declared that shortly it is possible to expect it visit to North Korea. About it writes information agency "RIA Novosti".

"I do not exclude

(visit to North Korea). Invitations such sounded", - Vyacheslav Volodin told.

Earlier sources in diplomatic departments reported

that the meeting President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin and the leader North Korea Kim Jong-un can take place in September in Vladivostok on fields of East economic forum. It was noted that now there is a process of coordination of date and a place of negotiations.

on May 31 the Minister of Foreign Affairs Russian Federation Sergey Lavrov carried out

I will meet in Pyongyang with the North Korean colleague Li Yon Kho and with Kim Jong-un who invited to Russian Federation.

At the same time already on June 12 in Kapella hotel on Sentos's island in Singapore Kim Jong-un will carry out negotiations with President of the United States Donald Trump. The summit with participation of heads of states will begin at 9:00 local time (4:00 across Moscow).