Deputies ask to notify Tomsk better than citizens on public hearings

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© Regional information company "Tomsk". Vorontsova Taisiya Deputies of Tomsk ask to notify better than citizens on public hearings

Tomsk, 6 Jun – Regional information company "Tomsk". Deputies of Thought Tomsk on the commission on regulations and legal questions on Wednesday asked the city hall to finish the provision on public hearings on town-planning questions and to pay special attention to informing of citizens who often do not participate in hearings because of lack of information, the correspondent of Regional information company "Tomsk" reports.

Deputies and representatives of the city hall on the commission discussed new position of administration about public hearings in town-planning branch. So, the document assumes that not vote, and written and oral proposals of participants that will exclude participation in hearings of affiliates has to become a result of hearings. Deputies treated this decision ambiguously. They also brought up a question of low knowledge of citizens of hearings.

"Very often people say

that did not see and did not hear about public hearings, and the conflicts when three persons came to hearings begin then, made the decision but only then people learn", – the deputy Karmanova Svetlana depicted a problem, having asked representatives of the city hall to tell that becomes in this direction.

As Kasperovich Anna reported to

on the commission of the deputy mayor Tomsk, the population will be informed still through a site of the city hall and the printing collection of documents of administration. Besides, new ways of the notification are assumed also:" These are information stands near regional administrations and in places of mass stay of people – on one in each area Tomsk", – she told.

Deputies of Thought Tomsk, having listened to the report, asked the city hall to think also notifying residents of Tomsk on public hearings through announcements in municipal authorities – schools and kindergartens. Besides the deputy Dimitri Nikolaevich Buintsev suggested to include public men in the commission on land use and building which analyzes results of hearings and submits the recommendations to the mayor.

"Perhaps, to invite deputies from the constituencies which are not a part of the commission, as representatives from voters. He will take part or not, will answer before the voters", – he added.

On a commission result deputies decided to take out discussion of this question on the nearest Duma council then to consider it at general meeting.