Arbitral tribunal of the Kirov region resumed "Volgovyattsement" business

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the Following court session on business will take place on July 18 the current year

of News of Kirov and Kirov Region on June 4. Arbitral tribunal of the Kirov region resumed case of attraction to subsidiary responsibility of controlling persons JSC "VolgoVyattsement".

we Will remind

, the solution of regional Arbitration vessels of April 20, 2015 the enterprise declared by bankrupt, concerning it openly competitive production. Then the competitive managing director appealed to court with the statement for involvement of persons controlling the debtor: Gnidenko Leo, Tarasenko Sergei, Sotnichenko Galina to subsidiary responsibility.

In October the 2016th business was suspended by

before the end of calculations with creditors.

- the Competitive managing director sent to court the petition for renewal of productions according to the statement in connection with elimination of the circumstances which have caused its stay, - vessels of June 1 of the current year


Arbitration are noted in definition will consider the statement of the managing director on July 18.

By the way, in at the beginning of May creditors of "Volgovyattsement" approved sale of 335,5 million debit debts the enterprises for 366 thousand rubles. The previous attempts to sell a debt came to the end with anything. Meeting of creditors JSC "VolgoVyattsement", 12,5 which % of actions owns Government of Kirov region, approved by Parkhomenko Aleksey contract concessions of the rights requirements to JSC SU-155. Debt passed to the sum of 335,5 million rubles at the price slightly over 0,1%.

the Debt were got by Sidelsky Pavel, the businessman from Perm Territory which, judging by a database of arbitration courts, specializes on management of the bankrupt enterprises.

Earlier rights of the requirement the enterprises tried to sell

repeatedly. The last attempt to gain for them 1,1 million rubles, undertaken in January, 2018, most likely also failed.

we Will remind

, in 2007 the administration Nicholas Ivanovich Shaklein decided to realize the large-scale project on construction of large cement works on the basis of a limestone field in Sovetsky rayon. Participants of joint stock company of steel Kirov Region and Nizhny Novgorod Region, received on 12,5% of actions. The large Moscow developer of "SU-155" got a controlling stake. But it became soon clear that technically the project it is not possible to realize almost. It would be required to construct the iron road to transport daily 6 thousand tons of the made cement.

as a result the area actually lost 20 million rubles enclosed in "Volgovyattsement". The authorities repeatedly tried to sell to an action become unnecessary design society, but unsuccessfully. Nizhny Novgorod Region at the end of the 2015th even signed contract with the majority shareholder "SU-155", however did not wait for about 18,6 million rubles. Approximately at the same time the enterprises of JSC "GROUP OF COMPANIES CONSTRUCTION ADMINISTRATION-155" also began to appear bankrupts. On the middle of 2016 of an action continued is in property of the government of the neighboring region.

it is clear to

that debts of one bankrupt to another cannot cost much though the federal government promised to help with implementation of obligations of "SU-155" before shareholders until the end of 2018.

By the way!

the Former director of JSC Volgovyattsement Tarasenko Sergei was sentenced by

to the 3rd years conditionally and to a penalty in 1 million rubles for waste of 17,5 million rubles. The competitive managing director tried to collect these money from his predecessor Gnidenko Leo, however the Arbitration court rejected claim because of the expiration of limitation period.

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Learn more about the person: Nicholas Ivanovich Shaklein