"Nonsense bridge" as new symbol Saint Petersburg: the main thing in a week

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Inhabitants hope that for the solution of numerous city problems it is not necessary to wait for the next anniversary or the championship

Saint Petersburg, having celebrated the 315th birthday, not for long enjoyed festive mood. City problems anywhere did not get to, but some of them have chance to be solved thanks to public attention. And the come week becomes the last before arrival to the city of really world event — the FIFA World Cup. But football players will arrive will leave, and Petersburgers remain. Also will demand the answer from the authorities.

New metro stations — not all in pleasure

the new site of the Nevsky line Vasileostrovskoy of the subway Started before the City Day appeared in the center of special attention of Petersburgers and city mass media. It is clear, after all the last two years on its construction were thrown big forces and means. Built within preparation for 2018 FIFA World Cup Novokrestovskaya and Running stations were represented by the authorities as achievement of engineering thought and triumph of the Petersburg metro engineering. These arguments had to shade that obvious fact that because of two "sign" stations actually it was necessary to shelve development other lines of the subway much more necessary for the city.

As are noted by the observer information agency "REGNUM" , partially this focus was successful. Citizens for a while ceased to remember lack of the Krasnoselsko-Kalininsky line which "drew" in plans in Soviet period, about absence in the city of the promised ring line of the subway, about so necessary new stations in new "sleeping" areas Saint Petersburg and its multystoried suburbs. Past week social networks and media resources were filled with bright impressions from unusual to Saint Petersburg the device and "Novokrestovskaya's" design and "Running". Many directed there personally to see where are spent 36 billion rubles from city budgets. To the majority of those who spoke, new transport objects were pleasant, having caused positive emotions.

But here at those who built these stations, the mood was far from festive. As it became known literally in the first working day after opening of the new branch, metrostroyevets working at it for months sit without salaries, and after input of stations there were under the threat dismissals. At the same time the general contractor (JSC "Metrostroy") and the customer (represented by profile city departments) accused each other of breach of obligations — untimely payment and untimely delivery of works, respectively — because of what direct performers were not reached in time by money for the beauty presented to the city.

strikes Taught by March experience metrostroyevets on other line, this time the involved parties reacted to discontent of workers quickly. "Metrostroy" promised as soon as possible to pay off with the contractors, and city officials organized a meeting with representatives of working collectives at which promised to track repayment of debts to builders of tunnels and stations.

As knew on June 1, into "Metrostroy" accounts the part of money for the works accepted by the customer on a new site of the subway already arrived. Them at once transferred to accounts of contractors for repayment of debts on salary, the general contractor assured. Works on acceptance and payment of new objects proceed, and there are all bases to consider that salary workers will receive the. That you will not tell about preservation of their workplaces: employers emphasize that many employees were engaged under "the line to the FIFA World Cup", and now their urgent contracts are complete. Metrostroyevtsa after all hope that after 2018 FIFA World Cup construction of new tunnels will not stand, and they will be demanded.

… Meanwhile passengers managed to complain that trains on a new branch go slowly, with interruptions and often stop on stages. In the subway explained it to that the number of structures on the extended third line increased, and it caused certain difficulties with streamlining of their movement. In the subway promised that everything will be included in the habitual schedule soon. It is crucial in anticipation of the beginning of mass transportations of football fans. The movement stop with such passengers, for example, before a match, promises the most sad consequences.

From Smolny — on an exit without explanations

Resignations heads of various committees of Government of Saint Petersburg usually do not cause an agiotage in mass media as, as a rule, are or long ago expected, or easily explainable. However sometimes this rule glitches. So happened on Monday, May 28, to the head of committee of development tourism Andrey Mushkarev . He learned that is relieved of the post, having come in the morning to work. Thus there were no preliminary leaks in the press about fast resignation the curator of city tourism. As it was not sounded in public space of any claims to work of committee on development the tourism which is actively working over increase in an event calendar Saint Petersburg that guests went to the city not only during the white nights.

As it became clear

, Andrey Mushkarev the governor Georgy Poltavchenko signed the order on resignation even during carrying out PMEF-2018 which, as well as the forthcoming ChM-2018, is one of the most important instruments of attraction to the city of tourists from the different countries of the world. That Andrey Mushkarev "set aside" in two weeks prior to the championship for which tourist industry made big plans, gave to this personnel decision a scandalousness raid. Thus Georgy Poltavchenko it was relieved even of theoretical probability to explain resignation heads of committee as since Monday went on short-term leave.

Andrey Mushkarev, come in officials two years ago from successful ferry businesses, was strongly angry by the incident, especially that city heads did not find necessary to explain the decision. Also complained that to it did not give the chance to continue work for the benefit of increase of tourist appeal of the city.

Bewilderment of subjects as one of leading committees of the city power was decapitated, were stated also by deputies of Legislative assembly, and representatives of tourist branch. Experts information agency "REGNUM" assumed that dismissal can be a consequence not only secret claims to the most Andrey Mushkarev, but also desire to transfer this post to someone to another.

according to the Petersburg mass media, dismissal Andrey Mushkarev can give up as a bad job the plans sounded earlier for creation of the ferry companies controlled by the city which as it is considered, has to recover the market of sea passenger traffic on Baltic and stimulate inflow of tourists to the city on Neva.

knew On the First of June that Andrey Mushkarev passed to work in Federal Agency for Tourism for one of senior positions. Probably, in a new position it will be able to bring benefit of tourist branch not only the city on Neva, but also all country.

… Meanwhile in Smolny there was one more resignation. The vice-chairman of committee of the property relations Alexander Semchukov went on leave with the subsequent dismissal. Earlier he headed this committee which operates huge on the volume and cost city property, but in August, 2017 was lowered to the deputy, having conceded a chair of the head of committee to the vice governor Mikhail Pavlovich Mokretsov , combining since then at once two positions.

"From giving Alexander Semchukov started publishing black lists of companies, saved up the largest debts on rent. He suggested to dissolve contracts rent with debtors in a pre-judicial order and to involve notaries in collecting debts. With its active participation the new law on transfer to investors emergency memorial buildings for 1 ruble" was developed — reminds magazine "Delovoy Peterburg", adding that these reforms, however, did not yield fast result that caused discontent with work of committee both from above, and from below.

Observers assume that this resignation — not the last, and soon a number of divisions Government of Saint Petersburg wait new personnel shifts. Whether there will be they "scandalous" or "through passage", in - much depends on desire of the city power at least minimum to explain the actions to society.

"The nonsense bridge" as a monument of stupidity

the Ordinary Petersburg overpass on the suburb of the city "became famous" for

because its dimensions were insuperable to trucks like "Gazelle", in large quantities scurrying about on city roads. Do not help neither detour existence nearby, nor warning signs, banners "Nizky Bridge! "Gazelle" will not pass", hung out on the bridge. In the City Day, on May 27, "the nonsense bridge" caught the "anniversary", 150th victim, from the date of the opening in 2014.

Unlike the previous cases which became only a reason for sneers and memes in social networks, this time all patience was, seemingly, exhausted at the authorities whom for a long time shamed for inability or unwillingness to undertake efforts on the termination of a train of ridiculous road accidents. Fortunately, they still did not lead to tragic consequences. But after all sooner or later the onboard gazelle can crash into the low bridge with people in a body (though such transportation and is illegal, but it is impossible to exclude its probability). And then will have no time for laughter.

After "anniversary" accident the deputy of Legislative Assembly Saint Petersburg, the United Russia party member Tsivilev Aleksey addressed to the vice governor of the city Igor Nikolaevich Albin with a request to take urgent measures to situation correction. Tsivilev Aleksey offered Igor Nikolaevich Albin to equip entrances to the bridge with suspended limiters of height, and then to carry out works on paving deepening under the bridge. Let's note that the suspended devices beating on a body of oversized cars approaching the bridge, already are — but, probably, they are too delicate or too close to dangerous object.

Igor Nikolaevich Albin did not begin to wait for official terms of the answer to the address of the deputy, and already next day recognized on the page in a social network: "It already is necessary to react to it" . The official explained that initially subbridge journey was designed 5 meters high, according to the standard, but when developing working documentation the contract organization reduced a dimension by construction to 3 meters.

Igor Nikolaevich Albin charged to establish to

urgently additional signs and technical means of drawing attention of drivers on an entrance to object, and then — to develop the detailed project either on increase in a bridge clearance or on change of the scheme of movement of a transport stream on this site.

"The objects similar "to the nonsense bridge", I cannot define differently, as "a stupidity monument" at all stages: researches, design, construction, input of objects in operation", — were declared by the vice governor.

As are noted by the observer information agency "REGNUM" , more many such "monuments" are scattered on the city, especially where building of new inhabited and infrastructure objects was conducted hurriedly, without normal public discussion, without interests of inhabitants and users.

Honor in each new inhabited residential district Saint Petersburg — an acute shortage of departures and departures, parking spaces, the ugly scheme of the organization of the movement, the made narrower carriageway, a zaparkovannost nothing the protected sidewalks. At input in a system of new bridges and overpasses regularly there are scandalous subquality work, not only complicating movement, but also menacing its safety. And on the solution of these problems, unfortunately, years sometimes leave, after all it is not adjusted by need to be in time by the next holiday.

Andrey Mushkarev
Last position: Chairman of the board of directors (JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "INDUSTRIAL ENTERPRISE SPB MF")
Georgy Poltavchenko
Last position: Chairman of the board of directors (JSC USC)
Alexander Semchukov
Last position: The chief of the department of FNS of Russia across the Arkhangelsk region and the Nenets Autonomous Area
Mikhail Pavlovich Mokretsov
Main activity:Official
Igor Nikolaevich Albin
Last position: Party member ("United Russia")