The authorities Moscow Region are interested in development defense industry enterprises – Andrey Vorobyov

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Governor Vorobyov

To Moscow Region settle down more than 130 enterprises of the defense industry complex (DIC) and Government of Moscow region is interested in them development, reports RIAMO with reference to the governor Moscow Region Andrey Vorobyov.

On Friday in the House of Government of Moscow region there takes place the second All-Russian forum "State defense order-2018".

"Everything that is connected with a defense order, for us, for Moscow Region as you understand, has special relation because in our science cities, in our cities more than 130 enterprises of defense industry complex are located. All of us are interested that they developed that people received a high salary that the defense order was executed in time that all enterprises were on good, on the due account", – told Andrey Vorobyov at a forum.

He noted that Moscow Region discusses with Federal Antimonopoly Service various ways of interaction.

Within a forum participants will discuss development the closed auctions in an electronic form and reform state regulation of the prices in the state defense order sphere. Besides, experts will consider questions of overcoming of restrictions on diversification of productions, and also information technologies for the solution of problems of state defense order.

Earlier the head of department controls the state defensive orders Federal Antimonopoly Service Alexander Pudov reported that some purchases within the state defense order, connected with the state secret, since July 1 will transfer to an electronic form.

Source: RIAMO
Andrey Vorobyev
Last position: Governor (Government of the Moscow region)
Alexander Pudov
Last position: Head of department of control of the state defensive order (Federal antimonopoly service)