Need of a call on interrogation of the ex-head of Committee on the state income of Armenia will define a consequence - Vanetsyan

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Need of a call on interrogation of the ex-head of Committee on the state income of Armenia will define a consequence - Vanetsyan

Yerevan on June 1. / ARCH/. The head of Service Artur Vanetsyan declared national security to Armenia that only the consequence can show, whether there is a need for carrying out to interrogate the former head of Committee on the state income Vardan Arutyunyan.

of SNB of Armenia reported earlier about disclosure of the large corruption scheme according to which large distribution networks "Yerevan cities" for years evaded from payment of taxes. In particular, the large company "Alex Holding" registered hundreds feykovy individual entrepreneurs, made out on them a turn of the production that instead of the VAT at a rate of 20% and taxes on profit to pay only tax from a turn in 2%.

"Persons on which names the false individual enterprises for the purpose of evasion from taxes were open, actually was not 350, but more than 460. In addition, I can tell, as the organizations where inspections, not 11, but about 1000 will be carried out. Whether as for need of interrogation of the former head of KGD Vardan Arutyunyan only the consequence will show that there is in it a need", - Vanetsyan on Friday declared to journalists after government meeting.

It also with some irony commented on statements sounding in these days that SNB actually did not reveal anything new and these corruption schemes were known long ago. "You present to

, what people who so many years worked with use of illegal mechanisms can declare today?" - Vanetsyan declared.

Before SNB of Armenia also opened multimillion criminal schemes with participation of officials of Committee on the state income. It became known that from August 1st, 2017 to May 1st, 2018 by means of representatives of the organizations which are engaged in cargo transportation, company "Norfolk Consulting" encashed 37,6 million dollars, from which 26,4 million - for a customs clearance imported into Armenia goods, and 11,2 million for rendered hozsubjektam services. Company did not pay in addition in state budget about 7 million dollars. -0