Two settlements to Sakha (Yakutia) Republic appeared under the threat of flooding because of sharp lifting of a water level in the Kolyma River

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Yakutsk. May 31. INTERFAX - the FAR EAST - the Governmental working group took off for Verkhnekolymsky ulus because of sharp lifting of a water level on the Kolyma River that creates threat for Zyryank's settlements and Coal, the press service of Government of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) reports.

"For strengthening of group of forces and means to the area there arrive rescuers. I do not exclude that the evacuation center will be developed in the settlement Coal. Possibly, water dumping from the Kolyma hydroelectric power station affected. It is necessary to understand it, but prerequisites to it are available", - Zaytsev Youri are quoted in the message of the chairman State board on safety of activity of Population Sakha (Yakutia) Republic.

According to him, in Zyryank's village with arrival of the second wave after an ice drift are not excluded by repetitions of a situation of 2014 when the settlement completely appeared under water.

according to the Ministry of Emergency Situations, in Zyryanke impounded 98 domestic territories in which lives 1618 people, from them 382 children.

according to executive management on elimination of consequences of a spring high water, in the republic 49 settlements already suffered from floods. Previously the general damage makes 1,186 billion rubles.