Pashinyan Nikol loses the power and will lose elections

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Republican Party of Armenia declared that extraordinary parliamentary elections until the end of this year are impossible. They motivated it is two large actions in Yerevan - a forum of the countries Frankofoniya and false anniversary of the present Armenian capital. All this will occur in the fall, and to the government, as well as citizens, will have no time for elections.

However supporters Pashinyan Nikol are alarmed by a possible tightening of plebiscite because time plays not advantage of the new authorities, since the moment of "velvet revolution" already lost in popularity. Pashinyan Nikol plays for time, being afraid of a failure, and fondly expects to hold electorate in the necessary framework conversations on vigilant counterrevolution in the person of RPA and to that similar. And thus loses sight of the main threat.

there is one more person who waits for elections with a great interest and thus especially does not hurry because unlike Pashinyan Nikol and its teams, time is that in any way will not prevent it. The speech about the chairman of "Prosperous Armenia" Party the oligarch Tsarukyan Gagik. While Pashinyan Nikol rushes about, somewhere goes, something declares, the oligarch quietly sits in the center of the web and slowly interweaves into it all new and new opportunities.

Curious news appeared today in the Armenian mass media. The newspaper Graparak reports that a year ago company "High-voltage power supply networks" Samvel Karapetyan were decided to transfer to concession management of companies "Tashir" the Russian billionaire. The other day the decision was cancelled, and there are data that Tsarukyan Gagik. Its party appointed the Minister of Energy in the coalition government.

In response to request of the newspaper the Minister of Energy Grigoryan Arthur told that the decision is made, VES remain in state property, and contract is cancelled a week ago. According to the minister, so management will be more effective.

the Denial from the government does not mean that Tsarukyan Gagik does not make big plans for business member of Republican Party after expropriation. Thanks to political "insight" Tsarukyan Gagik remained the only oligarch who, most likely, will not be exposed to checks and dispossession of kulaks. Its task now - to sit silently and to observe when large businesses of republicans remain without owner and will float downstream.

Downstream already floated not only businesses, but also their owners, and also colleagues Serzh Sargsyan, deputies from its party. In this situation, according to analysts, party and the parliamentary block Tsarukyan Gagik turned into best "roof" for RPA leaving lost power. Former "roof" leaked and now became, on the contrary, a big hindrance for perspective businesses.

As we already wrote

far not rank-and-file members already actively leave it. The son-in-law of the criminal ex-head of police Gasparyan Vladimir, and also the infamous deputy Torosyan Shirak, become famous for separatist statements to Georgia retired. Soon the fraction will be left by 7 more people, and it is expected that they will get over under the wing Tsarukyan Gagik.

As are written "by the Voice Armenia", Tsarukyan Gagik headed for rejuvenation of the political team. He tries to win round and use a human resource of the former party in power. For this purpose the corresponding propaganda campaign is already carried out.

Tsarukyan Gagik brings together round himself those who can help his block to carry out a maximum programme, that is to achieve the majority of mandates following the results of extraordinary elections, writes the edition. Doors of the Tsarukyan block are open for all who can provide votes. Extraordinary elections, apparently, will take place in the middle of the fall, Tsarukyan Gagik stakes not only on the RPA active resource, but also on that part of constant electorate of the former party in power which did not welcome "velvet revolution". If RPA does not go to extraordinary elections, its electorate will depart to Tsarukyan Gagik.

Yesterday Tsarukyan Gagik supported revolution Pashinyan Nikol, and today already stakes on a counterrevolutionary resource which can lead it to a victory on extraordinary elections. If RPA refuses participation in autumn campaign, its constant electorate can be on the party Tsarukyan Gagik. And who told that republicans are not interested in such development situations, after all if the Elk block comes to the finish the second, it will mean revolution defeat, states "the Voice of Armenia".

These assumptions of the Armenian analysts are far from groundless. Let's note that right after "velvet revolution" carrying out new elections in the shortest terms - still hotly was expected. Clever people warned what to delay elections is not necessary because the masses which has brought Pashinyan Nikol to the power, can be disappointed in it very quickly. When society will understand that transformation Armenia to promised paradise is impossible, everything has to be already made - "Elk" has to become the majority and neutralize resistance of all other political forces.

But popularity falling at the people which, by the way, already happens, is not the biggest problem trapping the revolutionary romantic. Counter-revolutionaries, and colleagues become its biggest problem at all. And some, such as Tsarukyan Gagik, will represent at all a problem, and threat. Conversations on counterrevolution of these processes not to stop. The present parliamentary majority will stop being soon that and without elections. And left her faces will join the block not Pashinyan Nikol, and Tsarukyan Gagik. Because for the oligarch force, money and opportunities, behind him influence and serious electorate which blocking of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the rector of EGU does not play all these children's toys.

the Only opportunity for Pashinyan Nikol to receive the majority in parliament on hopelessly late elections is for the remained months to make the Armenian economy profitable, and society rich and happy.

even should not be spoken About unreality of such prospect, it is too obvious.

Ibragimov Zulfugar

Nikol Vovaevich Pashinyan
Main activity:Politician
Gagik Kolyaevich Tsarukyan
Last position: Party leader (PAP)
Ширак Артёмович Торосян
Last position: Deputy (National assembly of the Republic of Armenia)
Samvel Karapetyan
Serzh Sargsyan
Last position: President (Federation of chess Armenia)
Political ideology:National conservatism.
Political ideology:Centrism, liberal conservatism
Political ideology:Liberalism, European integration